
Defines functions cat0 version

Documented in version

## package name: FE
## author: Yukai Yang
## Statistiska Inst., Uppsala Universitet

## utility functions

vnum = "1.2.2"
location = "GitHub"

# simple cat
cat0 <- function(...)
  words = list(...)
  for(tmp in words) cat(tmp)

#' Show the version number of some information.
#' This function shows the version number and some information of the package.
#' @author Yukai Yang, \email{yukai.yang@@statistik.uu.se}
#' @keywords utils
#' @export
version <- function(){
  cat0("Financial Econometrics Data Sets and Functions, version ", vnum, " from ",location)
yukai-yang/FE documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:19 p.m.