yuliya8k/MultiMat: Multi matrix analysis of multiple proteomics datasets on peptide level

MultiMat is a statistical method to perform model-based peptide-level differential expression analysis of multiple datasets. MultiMat produces a single fold change and p-value for each protein across multiple datasets. Model-based peptide-level differential expression analysis component of MultiMat package can also be used on a single dataset and will follow the analysis described in “A statistical framework for protein quantitation in bottom-up MS-based proteomics” (Karpievitch et al. 2009).

Getting started

Package details

AuthorYuliya V Karpievitch
Bioconductor views DifferentialExpression MassSpectrometry Normalization Proteomics
MaintainerYuliya V Karpievitch <yuliya.k@gmail.com>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
yuliya8k/MultiMat documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:50 a.m.