Echidna.options: Model Qualifiers for Echidna

Echidna.optionsR Documentation

Model Qualifiers for Echidna


Model Qualifiers for Echidna


The Qualifiers control various aspects of the model fitting process and reporting of results:

jobqualf Description
!WORKSPACE n where n is an integer between 1 and 32 gigabytes.
!CONTINUE [f] or !FINAL [f] instructs Echidna to retrieve variance parameters from an .esv file.
!VIEW displays any Winteracter graphics directly to the screen, such as '!view !PNG'
!DEBUG requests additional debugging output to be written.
!LOGFILE receive the DEBUG information.
!EQN [q] sets the !EQN qualifier which selects the equation ordering option, q could be 1~7 or 77.
others !RENAME,!ARGS,!OUTFOLDER, no needs in R.

qualifier Description
!EXTRA n forces n more iterations after convergence .
!SINGLE forces Echidna not to use Parallel Processing.
!SLOW reduces stepsize when updating variance parameters so convergence is slower but possible more reliable.
!SKIP i indicating the file contains i heading lines to be ignored.
!READ f specifying that f data fields are to be read.
!FILTER Variable !SELECT value !EXCLUDE value subset the data sets.
!MVINCLUDE design variables which are missing are assumed to be zero.
!MVREMOVE data records are ignored if any design variables have missing values.

GRM qualifiers Description
!SKIP i to skip the first i lines of the grm/giv file.
!LDET d lets you set the logDet value for the supplied giv matrix.
!ADD value adds value to the diagonal of a GRM matrix before inversion.value can only be 1, 2 or 3.
!PSD allows a GRM matrix to be positive semidefinite.
!NSD allows a GRM matrix to be negative semidefinite.
!ND allows a GRM matrix to be negative definite.

Data fields: if VARIABLE is a CLASS variable, the NAME must be followed by a qualifier indicating it is a class variable.

class qualifier Description
* variable is coded 1:n.
!I n variable is coded with INTEGER labels, not 1:n.
!A n variable is coded with ALPHANUMERIC labels.
!L <labels> data is coded 1:n and <labels> is the list of n class names.
!AS <factor> when two or more alphanumeric variables have a common list of class names.
!LL c reset the maximum length to c characters.
!PRUNE reset the number of levels (n) in a factor to the real maximum levels.

PEDIGREE FILE: ifile contains 3 or 4 fields being the identity (tag, id, name) of an individual, its Sire and its Dam..

qualifier Description
!SKIP i the file contains i heading lines to be ignored.
!CSV file is strictly COMMA delimited, without .csv suffix.
!GROUPS g first g lines are genetic groups. .
!MGS the third field is a maternal grandsire (not DAM).
!SAVE f requests the inverse be written as a .giv (f=1, ascii) or .bgiv (f=3, real binary) file.

VPREDICT statements have the syntax as: <Key Letter> <Label> <arguments>. <Key Letter> is one of the letters F, H, R, V, etc.

Key Letter Description
F specifies a linear function like animal + units.
H specifies a ratio (heritability) like animal / Total.
R specifies correlations from a matrix or formula.
V converts a FA structure to a US structure.
X is a multiply function.
S is a square root function.
K sets short vectors for constants (e.g. Legendre coefficients) to be used for M.
M uses the K coefficients to convert US (us(leg(dim,3))) matrix for a specific dim.
C moves components back e.g. C label I[:II]=J[:JJ] where I < J.
D discards components eg D from 393.
W writes components to f.vpc and their variance to f.vpv.

Variance structures

function Description
id(),idv() identity or scaled identity.
ar1(), ar1v() autoregressive correlation or covariance matrix.
coru(), coruv(), coruh() uniform correlation matrix, v for common variance,h for heterogeneous variance.
diag() diagonal variance matrix.
grmk() the kth GRM matrix.
mrmk() multiple relationship matrices.
us() unstructured variance matrix.
facvk() factor analytic (basic form).
xfak() factor analytic (eXtended form).
rrk() factor analytic: No specific variance.


Yuanzhen Lin <>


Yuanzhen Lin. R & ASReml-R Statistics. China Forestry Publishing House. 2016

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