addfile.gdsn: Add a GDS node with a file

View source: R/gdsfmt-main.r

addfile.gdsnR Documentation

Add a GDS node with a file


Add a file to a GDS file as a node.


addfile.gdsn(node, name, filename,
    compress=c("ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "LZ4", "LZ4_RA"),
    replace=FALSE, visible=TRUE)



an object of class gdsn.class or gds.class


the variable name; if it is not specified, a temporary name is assigned


the file name of input stream.


the compression method can be "" (no compression), "ZIP", "", "ZIP.default", "ZIP.max" or "ZIP.none" (original zlib); "ZIP_RA", "", "ZIP_RA.default", "ZIP_RA.max" or "ZIP_RA.none" (zlib with efficient random access); "LZ4", "LZ4.none", "", "LZ4.hc" or "LZ4.max"; "LZ4_RA", "LZ4_RA.none", "", "LZ4_RA.hc" or "LZ4_RA.max" (with efficient random access). See details


if TRUE, replace the existing variable silently if possible


FALSE – invisible/hidden, except print(, all=TRUE)


compress: Z compression algorithm ( can be used to deflate the data stored in the GDS file. "ZIP" option is equivalent to "ZIP.default". "", "ZIP.default" and "ZIP.max" correspond to different compression levels.

To support efficient random access of Z stream, "ZIP_RA", "", "ZIP_RA.default", "ZIP_RA.max" or "ZIP_RA.none" should be specified. "ZIP_RA" option is equivalent to "ZIP_RA.default:256K". The block size can be specified by following colon, and "16K", "32K", "64K", "128K", "256K", "512K", "1M", "2M", "4M" and "8M" are allowed, like "ZIP_RA:64K". The compression algorithm tries to keep each independent compressed data block to be about of the specified block size, like 64K.

LZ4 fast lossless compression algorithm is allowed when compress="LZ4" ( Three compression levels can be specified, "" (LZ4 fast mode), "LZ4.hc" (LZ4 high compression mode), "LZ4.max" (maximize the compression ratio). The block size can be specified by following colon, and "64K", "256K", "1M" and "4M" are allowed according to LZ4 frame format. "LZ4" is equivalent to "LZ4.hc:256K".

To support efficient random access of LZ4 stream, "LZ4_RA", "", "LZ4_RA.hc", "ZIP_RA.max" or "LZ4_RA.none" should be specified. "LZ4_RA" option is equivalent to "LZ4_RA.hc:256K". The block size can be specified by following colon, and "16K", "32K", "64K", "128K", "256K", "512K", "1M", "2M", "4M" and "8M" are allowed, like "LZ4_RA:64K". The compression algorithm tries to keep each independent compressed data block to be about of the specified block size, like 64K.


An object of class gdsn.class.


Xiuwen Zheng

See Also

getfile.gdsn, add.gdsn


# save a .RData object
obj <- list(X=1:10, Y=seq(1, 10, 0.1))
save(obj, file="tmp.RData")

# cteate a GDS file
f <- createfn.gds("test.gds")

add.gdsn(f, "double", val=seq(1, 1000, 0.4))
addfile.gdsn(f, "tmp.RData", "tmp.RData")

# open the GDS file

# open the existing file
(f <- openfn.gds("test.gds"))

getfile.gdsn(index.gdsn(f, "tmp.RData"), "tmp1.RData")
(obj <- get(load("tmp1.RData")))

# open the GDS file

# delete the temporary files
unlink(c("test.gds", "tmp.RData", "tmp1.RData"), force=TRUE)

zhengxwen/gdsfmt documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 4:14 p.m.