Man pages for zhenkewu/rewind
Reconstructing Etiology with Binary Decomposition

bin2dec_vecconvert binary codes to decimal integers
compute_product_Bern_tableCompute the product Bernoulli probability table
cuthill_mckeeCuthill McKee (CM) algorithm
distABFrobenius norm: ||AA'-BB'||_F
do_update_Q_oneUpdate the current element of Q_ml or not
equal_unit_veccheck whether a vector is equal to a unit vector with the one...
eval_stringcreate a string with parts that need to be replaced by a...
fflip the matrix to the right form for 'image()'
fix_clusteradjust cluster ids by specification
get_freqGet frequency count for each integer
log_f_logdencompute the log of density of inactive states' probability...
log_f_logprimacompute the derivative of the log of density of inactive...
log_fullFunction to compute the full cluster-specific likelihood...
log_marginalR Function to compute the cluster-specific marginal...
log_marginal_Q_identityR Function to compute the cluster-specific marginal...
log_pr_Qml_condCompute the full conditional probability of Q_ml given the...
log_pr_Qml_cond_enumCompute the full conditional probability of column Q_l given...
mblockobtain the indices of rows of Q that form orthogonal blocks
merge_H_colMerge redundant H_star by column
merge_H_QMerge latent state profile matrix (H_star) and Q matrix
merge_mapMerge mapping
merge_Qmerge Q matrix by rows
metrop_flipMetroplis flipping to improve mixing
mfm_coefficientscomputing coefficients for mixture of finite mixture model
ordered_insertinsert a cluster ID prior to "index"; mylist keeps a list of...
ordered_nextFind the next available cluster ID to use:
ordered_removeremove an index from a vector of cluster ID
order_mat_byrowOrder a binary matrix by row
plot_individual_predPlot individual probabilities
plot_population_fractionsPlot population "etiology" fractions (for known Q only)
plot_rewindPlot data, design matrix or co-clustering probabilities
plot_truthPlot truth for simulation studies
postprocess_H_QMerge H and Q
restricted_gibbsRestricted Gibbs scan to update assignment indicators in S.
rewindrewind: *R*constructing *E*tiology *w*ith B*in*ary...
samplerMain function for model estimation
scatterhistPlot posterior sampling chain and the histogram on the right...
simulate_datasimulate data from restricted latent class models
simulate_QRandomly generate a Q matrix within the identifying...
simulate_Q_datRandomly generate a Q matrix within the identifying condition...
split_mergeSplit-merge type update of clusterings
summarize_latent_state_given_QSummarize individual latent state patterns given Q
trunc_rbetaSample truncated Beta random variables
update_alphasample alpha - hyperparameter for latent state prevalences...
update_mu_PRsample a_theta_one - hyperparameter (mean) for positive rates...
update_positive_rateupdate true and false positive rates
update_prevalenceupdate latent state prevalences
update_pseudo_n_PRsample alpha_s - hyperparameter for positive rates theta_l,...
update_Qupdate the Q matrix element-wise
update_Q_col_blockBlock update the Q matrix by column
z2comatCompute the posterior co-clustering probability matrix...
zhenkewu/rewind documentation built on Sept. 9, 2020, 3:40 p.m.