knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi=300, fig.pos="H", fig.width=8, fig.height=6, dev=c('png', 'pdf'), echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE);

# Loading inputs from yaml file
# fn.yaml<-"~/R/source/DEGandMore/examples/IdentifyOutlier/identify_outlier.yml"; 
# yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(fn.yaml);  
# writeLines(yaml::as.yaml(yml), '~/R/source/DEGandMore/examples/IdentifyOutlier/identify_outlier.yml')


smp2grp<-rep(names(grps), sapply(grps, length)); 
names(smp2grp)<-unlist(grps, use.names=FALSE); 


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The goal of this procedure is to identify potential outlier samples that have lower inter-sample correlation than expected. It is based on the assumption that the outliers have poorer correlation to other samples in the same group. This procedure includes the following steps:

This procedure requires the following inputs:

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lns<-lapply(names(yml$project), function(nm) {
  c(paste('##', nm), '\n', yml$project[[nm]], '\n'); 
lns<-paste('c', lns), collapse='\n'); 

r lns

Data set

The data set includes r nrow(expr) genes and r ncol(expr) samples in r length(grps) groups.

IdentifyOutlierByCorr<-function(d, RMX=0.99, NMN=4, NSD=3) {
  # d     Data matrix, rows are genes or other variables and columns are samples
  # RMX   Maximal mean correlation coefficient for a sample to be an outlier
  # NMN   Minimal number of samples
  # NSD   Number of standard deviation

  if (NMN < 3) NMN<-3;

  if (ncol(d) < NMN) NA else {
    corr<-lapply(1:ncol(d), function(i) cor(d[, i], d[, -i], use='pair')); 
    ms<-sapply(corr, mean);
    nsd<-sapply(1:length(ms), function(i) (ms[i]-mean(ms[-i]))/sd(ms[-i])); 

    out<-list(outlier=nsd[nsd<=-1*abs(NSD) & ms<RMX], nsd=nsd, mean=ms, corr=corr, 
              parameters=c(RMX=RMX, NMN=NMN, NSD=NSD)); 

# Run IdentifyOutlierByCorr() function recursively until no more outliers were identified or there are no enough samples
IdentifyOutlierByCorr.2<-function(d, RMX=0.99, NMN=4, NSD=3) {
  # d     Data matrix, rows are genes or other variables and columns are samples
  # RMX   Maximal mean correlation coefficient for a sample to be an outlier
  # NMN   Minimal number of samples
  # NSD   Number of standard deviation

  if (ncol(d) < NMN) NA else {
    out <- list(IdentifyOutlierByCorr(d, RMX, NMN, NSD)); 
    d <- d[, !(colnames(d) %in% names(out[[1]][[1]]))]; 

    while (length(out[[length(out)]][[1]])>0 & ncol(d)>=NMN) { # outlier identified, is there more
      out[[length(out)+1]]<-IdentifyOutlierByCorr(d, RMX, NMN, NSD); 
      d <- d[, !(colnames(d) %in% names(out[[length(out)]][[1]]))]; 

    names(out)<-paste('Round', 1:length(out), sep=''); 
    nsd<-lapply(out, function(x) x$nsd); 
    mns<-lapply(out, function(x) x$mean);
    summ<-cbind(Round=rep(1:length(nsd), sapply(nsd, length)), NSD=as.vector(unlist(nsd)), Mean=as.vector(unlist(mns)));
    summ<-data.frame(Sample=as.vector(unlist(lapply(nsd, names))), round(summ, 6), stringsAsFactors = FALSE); 
    summ$Outlier<-summ$NSD< -1*abs(NSD) & summ$Mean<RMX

    list(summary=summ, all=out); 

Analysis and results

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Identification of outliers

The following steps were applied to identify outlier samples:

out<-lapply(grps, function(g) IdentifyOutlierByCorr.2(expr[, g], RMX=prms$max.corr, NMN=prms$min.n, NSD=prms$;
smm<-lapply(out, function(x) x$summary); 
grp<-rep(names(smm), sapply(smm, nrow)); 
smm<-data.frame(Group=grp,'rbind', smm), stringsAsFactors = FALSE); 
fn.stat<-CreateDatatable(smm, paste(yml$output, 'stat_table.html', sep='/'), rownames = FALSE); 

outliers<-smm[smm$Outlier, , drop=FALSE]; 
grps.filtered<-lapply(grps, function(g) g[!(g %in% outliers$Sample)]); 

As a result, r nrow(outliers) outliers were identified

plot(smm$Mean, smm$NSD, pch=19, col=c('#0000FF88', '#FF000088')[smm$Outlier+1], cex=2, cex.lab=1.5, xlim=c(min(smm$Mean), 1),
     xlab="Mean correlation coefficient to other samples", ylab="Number of standard deviations"); 
abline(v=prms$max.corr, h=-1*abs(prms$, lty=2, lwd=2, col='darkgrey');
points(smm$Mean, smm$NSD, cex=.2);

Figure 1 There were r length(unique(outliers$Sample)) outliers identified from r length(unique(outliers$Group)) groups (highlighted in red) based on inter-sample correlation.

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Differential expression between outliers and non-outliers

Each outlier was compared to non-outlier samples in the same group to calculate differential expression.

if (nrow(outliers) > 0) {
  d0<-lapply(outliers$Sample, function(s) expr[, grps.filtered[[smp2grp[s]]], drop=FALSE]);
  d1<-lapply(outliers$Sample, function(s) expr[, s]);
  path.fig<-paste(yml$output, 'scatterplot', sep='/'); 
  if (!file.exists(path.fig)) dir.create(path.fig, recursive = TRUE); 
  fn<-sapply(1:nrow(outliers), function(i) {
    fn<-paste(path.fig, '/', id, '.pdf', sep=''); 
    pdf(fn, w=8, h=4);
    par(mar=c(5,5,2,2), mfrow=c(1, 2));
    r<-sapply(1:ncol(d0[[i]]), function(j) cor(d0[[i]][, j], rowMeans(d0[[i]][, -j, drop=FALSE])));
    x<-cbind(rowMeans(d0[[i]]), d1[[i]]); 
    y<-cbind(rowMeans(d0[[i]][, -ind]), d0[[i]][, ind]);
    plot(x, pch=19, cex=0.5, col='#88888888', xlim=c(min(x), max(x)), ylim=c(min(x), max(x)), xlab='Others', ylab=id, cex.lab=1.5); 
    abline(0, 1, col=4);
    plot(y, pch=19, cex=0.5, col='#88888888', xlim=c(min(x), max(x)), ylim=c(min(x), max(x)), xlab='Others', ylab=colnames(d0[[i]])[ind], cex.lab=1.5); 
    abline(0, 1, col=4);;
  fn<-sub(yml$output, '', fn); 
  fn<-sub('^/', '', fn);
  lns<-paste('  - [', outliers$Sample, '](', fn, ')', sep=''); 
  lns<-paste(lns, collapse='\n'); 
} else {
  lns<-'  - No outliers were identified'

Click on sample ID to view scatterplots that compare the global differential expression of an outlier vs. non-outliers (left) and a non-outliers vs. other non-outliers (right).

r lns

The differential expression of each outlier vs. its corresponding non-outliers was compared to each other. High correlation of differential expression between 2 samples suggests that the 2 outliers could be caused by the same reason.

if (nrow(outliers) == 0) lns<-'No outliers found' else if (nrow(outliers) < 3) lns<-'No enough outliers for clustering analysis' else {
  dff<-sapply(1:nrow(outliers), function(i) d1[[i]]-rowMeans(d0[[i]]));
  plot(hc, main='Differential expression: outlier vs. non-outlier', xlab='Outlier', sub='');
  abline(h=1-prms$cut.corr, lty=2, col='#0000FF88'); 
  ct<-cutree(hc, h=1-prms$cut.corr);
  g<-split(names(ct), ct);
  g<-g[sapply(g, length)>1];
  if (length(g) == 0) lns<-'No outliers have similar differential expression' else {
    lns<-as.vector(sapply(g, function(g) paste(g, collapse='; ')));
    lns<-paste('  -', lns);
    lns<-paste(lns, collapse='\n'); 

Figure 2 Clustering of outliers based on their differential expression to corresponding non-outliers.

The following subset(s) of outliers had similar differential expression:

r lns

Selection of differentially expressed genes (DEGs)

Functional categorization of genes differentially expressed between outliers and corresponding non-outliers could be very suggestive of the cause leading to the outlier. The following steps were used to select DEGs:

path.deg<-paste(yml$output, 'deg', sep='/');
if (!file.exists(path.deg)) dir.create(path.deg, recursive = TRUE);
if (nrow(outliers) == 0) lns<-'No outliers found' else {
  # select DEGs
  degs<-lapply(1:nrow(outliers), function(i) {
    nsd<-dff/apply(d0[[i]], 1, sd);
    deg<-list(hi=deg[deg>0], lo=deg[deg<0]);
    deg<-lapply(deg, function(d) d[rev(order(abs(d)))]);
    deg<-lapply(deg, function(d) {
      if (length(d) > prms$deg$min) {
        d<-d[1:min(prms$deg$max, length(d))]; 
        if (abs(prms$deg$de > abs(d[prms$deg$min]))) d[1:prms$deg$min] else d[abs(d) > abs(prms$deg$de)]; 
      } else d;

  # Prepare HTML tables
  tbls<-lapply(1:length(degs), function(i) lapply(degs[[i]], function(d) {
    x0<-d0[[i]][names(d), , drop=FALSE]; 
    sd<-apply(x0, 1, sd);
    stat<-round(cbind(x1, rowMeans(x0), dff, dff/sd), 4);
    colnames(stat)<-c(outliers$Sample[i], 'Non_Outliers', 'DE', 'NSD');
    cbind(stat, anno[rownames(stat), ]); 

  # Write tables to HTML
  fn<-lapply(names(tbls), function(nm) {
    f<-paste(path.deg, paste(nm, '_', c('Higher', 'Lower'), '.html', sep=''), sep='/')
    CreateDatatable(tbls[[nm]][[1]], f[1], caption = nm); 
    CreateDatatable(tbls[[nm]][[2]], f[2], caption = nm); 

  # Write summary table
  fn<-t(sapply(fn, function(f) sub(paste(yml$output, '/', sep=''), '', f)));
  n<-t(sapply(degs, function(x) sapply(x, length)));
  colnames(n)<-colnames(fn)<-c('Higher in outlier', 'Low in outlier'); 
  tbl<-t(sapply(rownames(n), function(nm) paste('[', n[nm, ], '](', fn[nm, ], ')', sep='')));
  lns<-kable(tbl, align=c('r', 'r'));

The numbers of DEGs selected from each outlier (click on numbers to view full lists):

r lns

Gene set enrichment analysis of DEGs

DEGs having higher or lower expression in each outliers were mapped to a collection of predefined genesets downloaded from:

r paste(paste(' -', gset.src), collapse='\n')

Enrichment of DEGs in each gene set was tested by Hypergeometric test. Gene set collection of a few model animals can be downloaded from:

path.gse<-paste(yml$output, 'gse', sep='/');
if (!file.exists(path.gse)) dir.create(path.gse, recursive = TRUE);
if (nrow(outliers) == 0) ln.hi<-ln.lo<-'No outliers found' else {
  gses<-lapply(names(degs), function(nm) {
    cat(nm, '\n'); 
    gse<-lapply(degs[[nm]], function(gs) TestGSE(names(gs), rownames(anno), gset[[2]])[[1]]); 
    hi<-WrapGSE(gse[[1]], gset[[1]], paste(path.gse, paste(nm, 'Higher', sep='_'), sep='/')); 
    lo<-WrapGSE(gse[[2]], gset[[1]], paste(path.gse, paste(nm, 'Lower' , sep='_'), sep='/')); 
    list(hi, lo); 
  fn.hi<-sapply(gses, function(g) g[[1]]$file[gset.src]);
  fn.lo<-sapply(gses, function(g) g[[2]]$file[gset.src]);

  fn.hi<-sub(paste(yml$output, '/', sep=''), '', fn.hi);
  fn.lo<-sub(paste(yml$output, '/', sep=''), '', fn.lo);

  n.hi<-sapply(gses, function(g) sapply(g[[1]]$formatted[gset.src], nrow)); 
  n.lo<-sapply(gses, function(g) sapply(g[[2]]$formatted[gset.src], nrow)); 

  tbl.hi<-t(matrix(paste('[', n.hi, '](', fn.hi, ')', sep=''), nc=nrow(outliers)));
  tbl.lo<-t(matrix(paste('[', n.lo, '](', fn.lo, ')', sep=''), nc=nrow(outliers))); 
  dimnames(tbl.hi)<-dimnames(tbl.lo)<-list(outliers$Sample, gset.src); 

  ln.hi<-kable(tbl.hi, align = rep('r', ncol(tbl.hi))); 
  ln.lo<-kable(tbl.lo, align = rep('r', ncol(tbl.lo))); 

Results from gene set enrichment analysis of genes having higher expression in outliers:

r ln.hi

Results from gene set enrichment analysis of genes having higher expression in outliers:

r ln.lo

fn<-paste(yml$output, 'outliers.rds', sep='/'); 
if (nrow(outliers) == 0) saveRDS(list(stat=smm), fn) else saveRDS(list(stat=smm, deg=degs, gse=gses), fn);

Results were saved to r fn.

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zhezhangsh/DEGandMore documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 9:55 a.m.