Man pages for zhifeiyan/WeibullHM
A Gibbs Sampler of a Bayesian Weibull Hidden Markov Model

sample_et_stSample environment process and state process of a subject
sample_interceptSample intercept effects
sample_log_scaleSample Weibull log scale parameter
sample_log_shapeSample Weibull log shape parameter
sample_pSample transition matrices of state process
sample_qSample transition matrix of environment process
sample_ref_stdSample the standard deviation of subject random effects
sample_std_logscaleSample standard deviation of Weibull log scale parameters in...
sample_subj_refSample subject random effects
stat_distCompute stationary distributions of environment process and...
zhifeiyan/WeibullHM documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:21 p.m.