
DENDRO mutation detection with GATK

DENDRO uses the following approach in the original paper to generate the initial mutation profiles across genes and cells. We write an example script modified from one real data analysis. Just want to clarify that I am not an expert with GATK tool. However, given significant amount of tests and failures, the following pipeline works for DENDRO. See HaplotypeCaller document for more information.

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Pipeline overview

Initial SNA detection is indeed one of the most important steps in DENDRO pipeline. As stated in the paper, we want to maximize the sensitivity of our detection at this moment. There will be a lot of false positives calls, but they will be cleaned up in the clustering and pooling steps. Figure 4 shows the detection pipeline. User should check the example script together with this figure side-by-side.

Figure 5. A flowchart outlining the procedures of mutation detection from fastq to final GVCF using GATK ERC GVCF approach. The number on the most right corresponding to the steps in the shell script.

Due to great number of cells, traditional way of calling variants sample by sample is extremely slow. Luckily, GATK has ERC GVCF mode, which utilize a map-reduce like approach. Please check the details here. Our script is built upon ERC GVCF mode togehter with the variant detection best approach on RNAseq data.

Example script is attached here. We also provided an R script to convert vcf files to DENDRO input.


Zhou, Z., Xu, B., Minn, A. et al. DENDRO: genetic heterogeneity profiling and subclone detection by single-cell RNA sequencing. Genome Biol 21, 10 (2020).

Developers & Maintainers

zhouzilu/DENDRO documentation built on May 21, 2020, 8 p.m.