#' @title Create Word Embeddings
#' @description
#' Generate comparison between the prompt and participants' responses in a latent word2vec space.
#' @param dataframe Dataframe from which we will estimate our regression model.
#' @param prompts Vector/column in dataframe that contain the prompt that each respondnet saw.
#' @param responses Vector/column in dataframe that records participants' recollection of prompt.
#' @param user_seed Set seed for reproducibility. Default = 5.
#' @param prune_len Cut words that are not frequently mentioned. Default = 2 (must be mentioned at least twice in the corpus).
#' @param language What language are the prompts and responses? Default is English ('en'), Spanish ('es') and Brazilian-Portuguese ('br-pt') will hopefully be available soon.
#' @author Jeffrey Ziegler (<jeffrey.ziegler[at]emory.edu>)
#' @examples
#' @rdname createWordEmbeddings
#' @seealso \code{\link{similarityMeasures}}
#' @export
createWordEmbeddings <- function(dataframe, prompts, responses, user_seed=5, prune_len=2, language="en"){
# create iterator over tokens
# first, put the prompts
# then the rest of the responses
word_ls <- c(space_tokenizer(prepText(unique(dataframe[, prompts]))),
space_tokenizer(prepText(dataframe[, responses])))
# create vocabulary
# terms will be unigrams (simple words)
it <- itoken(word_ls, progressbar = F)
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)
# words should not be too uncommon
# can't calculate meaningful word vector for
# a word which we saw only once in the entire corpus
# Default: Take only words which appear at least once
limited_vocab <- prune_vocabulary(vocab, term_count_min = prune_len)
# ready to construct term-co-occurence matrix (TCM)
# use our filtered vocabulary
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(limited_vocab)
# create normal dtm
dtm <- create_dtm(it, vectorizer)
# use window of 5 for context words
tcm <- create_tcm(it, vectorizer, skip_grams_window = 5)
# set seed first for reproducibility
error("Currently this language is unsupported, this feature is only available for prompts and responses in English.")
# w/ TCM matrix can factorize it via GloVe algorithm
# text2vec uses a parallel stochastic gradient descent algorithm
glove_model <- GloVe$new(rank = 50, x_max = 10)
# retrieve the word vectors
word_embeddings <- glove_model$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 10000, convergence_tol = 0.00001)
# get average of main and context vectors as proposed in GloVe paper
word_vectors <- word_embeddings + t(glove_model$components)
# execute Relaxed Word Movers Distance
# old way under text2vec version 0.5.0
# rwmd_model <- RWMD$new(x=dtm, embeddings=word_vectors, method = "cosine", normalize = T)
# rwmd_dist <- 1-dist2(dtm[1:length(unique(dataframe[, prompts])), ],
# dtm[(length(unique(dataframe[, prompts]))+1):dim(dtm)[1],],
# # don't need to tell norm here since we normalized above
# method = rwmd_model, norm = 'none')
# now under 0.6
# should automatically now use cosine distance instead of euclidean
rwmd_model <- RWMD$new(x=dtm, embeddings=word_vectors)
rwmd_dist <- 1-rwmd_model$dist2(dtm)
rwmd_dist <- ifelse(rwmd_dist<0, 0, rwmd_dist)
# now, put those embedding scores back into original dataframe
dataframe$embedding_score <- NULL
for(obs in 1:dim(dataframe)[1]){
# based on which prompt they saw
# since we have comparisons of all prompts to all responses
if(dataframe[obs, prompts]==unique(dataframe[, prompts])[1]){
dataframe[obs, "embedding_score"] <- rwmd_dist[1, obs+3]
if(dataframe[obs, prompts]==unique(dataframe[, prompts])[2]){
dataframe[obs, "embedding_score"] <- rwmd_dist[2, obs+3]
if(dataframe[obs, prompts]==unique(dataframe[, prompts])[3]){
dataframe[obs, "embedding_score"] <- rwmd_dist[3, obs+3]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.