# Basic notion on point pattern analysis
ui <- fluidPage(
br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(),
h3("Main geographical indices"),
h4("Fist-Order Neighborhood Analysis"),
width = 3,
# selectInput("geom",
# label = "Geometry type",
# choices = c("Point",
# "Line",
# "Polygon"),
# selected = "Point"),
# sliderInput("nbpts",
# label = "Number of points",
# min = 3, value = 5, max = 10, step = 1),
label = "Display",
choices = c("Mean Center",
"Central Feature",
"Minimum Bounding Rectangle",
"Minimum Bounding Circle",
# fullscreen_all(click_id = "test"),
# actionButton("refresh", "Refresh", icon = icon("refresh"))
# actionButton("n_poly", icon = icon("refresh"), label = "")
fluidRow(plotOutput(outputId = "spatPlot",
height = "600px")
server <- function(input, output) {
x1 <- seq(1:10)
w <- as.owin(c(min(x1), max(x1),
min(x1), max(x1)))
plot(w, lwd = 3, main = "")
pts <- runifpoint(6, win = w)
ctr <- ppp(mean(pts$x), mean(pts$y), w)
output$spatPlot <- renderPlot({
# pts <- runifpoint(input$nbpts, win = w)
# print(input$refresh)
# if (input$geom == "Point") {
plot(pts, pch = 16, cex = 1.5)
if ("Minimum Bounding Circle" %in% input$stat) {
mbc <- boundingcircle(pts)
plot(mbc, add = TRUE, border = "blue")
if ("Minimum Bounding Rectangle" %in% input$stat) {
mbr <- boundingbox(pts)
plot(mbr, add = TRUE, border = "purple")
if ("Convexhull" %in% input$stat) {
ch <- convexhull(pts)
plot(ch, add = TRUE, border = "darkgrey")
if ("Central Feature" %in% input$stat) {
# ctr <- centroid.owin(pts, as.ppp = FALSE)
closest <- nncross(ctr, pts)
ctf <- pts[closest$which]
points(ctf$x, ctf$y, pch = 1, col="darkgrey",
lwd = 2, cex = 3)
if ("Mean Center" %in% input$stat) {
# ctr <- centroid.owin(pts, as.ppp = FALSE)
# points(ctr$x, ctr$y, pch = 3, col = "red", cex = 2)
points(ctr$x, ctr$y, pch = 3, col = "red", cex = 2)
if ("Dirichlet" %in% input$stat) {
dirt <- dirichlet(pts)
plot(dirt, add = TRUE, border = "purple")
if ("Delaunay" %in% input$stat) {
deln <- delaunay(pts)
plot(deln, add = TRUE, border = "orange")
# }
# if (input$geom == "Line") {
# plot(pts)
# segments(x0 = pts$x[-length(pts$x)],
# y0 = pts$y[-length(pts$y)],
# x1 = pts$x[-1],
# y1 = pts$y[-1],
# col = "darkgreen")
# if ("Minimum Bounding Circle" %in% input$stat) {
# mbc <- boundingcircle(pts)
# plot(mbc, add = TRUE)
# }
# if ("Minimum Bounding Rectangle" %in% input$stat) {
# mbr <- boundingbox(pts)
# plot(mbr, add = TRUE)
# }
# if ("Convexhull" %in% input$stat) {
# ch <- convexhull(pts)
# plot(ch, add = TRUE)
# }
# if ("Centroid" %in% input$stat) {
# d <-data.frame(x0 = pts$x[-length(pts$x)],
# y0 = pts$y[-length(pts$y)],
# x1 = pts$x[-1],
# y1 = pts$y[-1])
# d$xmean <- rowMeans(cbind(d$x0, d$x1))
# d$ymean <- rowMeans(cbind(d$y0, d$y1))
# points(d$xmean,
# d$ymean,
# pch = 16,
# col = "darkgreen")
# }
# }
# observeEvent(input$refresh, {
# shinyjs::reset("form")
# })
shinyApp(ui, server)
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