
# Install zoon from github. This requires devtools
# Devtools needs Rtools if youre using windows
# http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/



# Some packages that are needed later
# There is actually quite a lot in here. Sorry.
install.packages(c("dismo", "randomForest", "biomod2", "RNCEP", "spocc"))

# Run this to test things are working.
workflow(UKAnophelesPlumbeus, UKAir, OneHundredBackground,
         LogisticRegression, PrintMap)

# If you wish to use biomod2 during the workshop check that this works.
# I am having problems getting it to work on this windows machine
# But had no problems on linux.
workflow(UKAnophelesPlumbeus, UKAir, OneHundredBackground,
         BiomodModel(modelType="GAM"), PrintMap)

# Finally, this is just a useful function
# You needed to sign in to github to use it
# Type "yes", then check your browser. If you do not have a github account
# use username: zoonworkshop password: zoonsdm1

zoonproject/zoon documentation built on March 6, 2020, 1:03 a.m.