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#' Ordinary Least Squares
#' Fits the standard OLS model.
#' @param y Numeric vector.
#' @param X Numeric matrix.
#' @return List containing the following:
#' \item{Beta}{Regression coefficient.}
#' \item{V}{Outcome variance.}
#' \item{Ibb}{Information matrix for beta.}
#' \item{Resid}{Outcome residuals.}
fitOLS <- function(y, X) {
    .Call('_BinReg_fitOLS', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', y, X)

#' Weighted Least Squares
#' Fits the following weighted least squares model: 
#' \eqn{y_{i}=x_{i}'\beta+\epsilon_{i}}. Here, the subject-specific residual is
#' normally distributed with mean zero and variance \eqn{\sigma^{2}/w_{i}}.
#' \eqn{w_{i}} is a known, subject-specific weight, and \eqn{\sigma} is a
#' common scale parameter.
#' @param y Response vector.
#' @param X Design matrix.
#' @param w Weight vector.
#' @return List containing the following:
#' \item{Beta}{Regression coefficient.}
#' \item{V}{Outcome variance.}
#' \item{Ibb}{Information matrix for beta.}
#' \item{Resid}{Outcome residuals.}
fitWLS <- function(y, X, w) {
    .Call('_BinReg_fitWLS', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', y, X, w)

#' Matrix Determinant
#' Calculates the determinant of \eqn{A}.
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @return Scalar. 
det <- function(A) {
    .Call('_BinReg_det', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', A)

#' Matrix Inner Product
#' Calculates the product \eqn{A'B}.
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @param B Numeric matrix.
#' @return Numeric matrix. 
matIP <- function(A, B) {
    .Call('_BinReg_matIP', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', A, B)

#' Matrix Inverse
#' Calcualtes \eqn{A^{-1}}.
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @return Numeric matrix. 
matInv <- function(A) {
    .Call('_BinReg_matInv', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', A)

#' Matrix Matrix Product
#' Calculates the product \eqn{AB}. 
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @param B Numeric matrix.
#' @return Numeric matrix. 
MMP <- function(A, B) {
    .Call('_BinReg_MMP', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', A, B)

#' Quadratic Form
#' Calculates the quadratic form \eqn{X'AX}.
#' @param X Numeric matrix.
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @return Numeric matrix.
matQF <- function(X, A) {
    .Call('_BinReg_matQF', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', X, A)

#' Schur complement
#' Calculates the efficient information \eqn{I_{bb}-I_{ba}I_{aa}^{-1}I_{ab}}. 
#' @param Ibb Information of target parameter
#' @param Iaa Information of nuisance parameter
#' @param Iba Cross information between target and nuisance parameters
#' @return Numeric matrix. 
SchurC <- function(Ibb, Iaa, Iba) {
    .Call('_BinReg_SchurC', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', Ibb, Iaa, Iba)

#' Matrix Trace
#' Calculates the trace of a matrix \eqn{A}.
#' @param A Numeric matrix.
#' @return Scalar. 
tr <- function(A) {
    .Call('_BinReg_tr', PACKAGE = 'BinReg', A)
zrmacc/BinReg documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:08 a.m.