  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  root.dir = system.file("testdata",package = "CSPackage")

The CSPackage includes some functions for importing, exploring and visualising the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (Fatality Analysis Reporting System), which is a nationwide census providing the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Importing FARS data for a given year

FARS data has a specific file name convention therefore to read all fields for a single year, wrap the desired year with make_filename() and call fars_read()

singleYearsData <- fars_read(filename = make_filename(2015))

head(singleYearsData, n=10)

Summarize number of fatalities by state and year

The CSPackage also includes a useful summary function to show the number of fatalities across the United States for a given number of years.

fars_summarize_years(years = 2013:2015)

Visualizing Fatalities

In terms of visualization one can create a simple map plot of fatalities for a given year and state (identified by its ID) using the fars_map_state() function.

fars_map_state(year = 2014, state.num = 13)

zumthor86/CSPackage documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:09 a.m.