
setGeneric("univariateWilcox", signature=c("Object", "covariate"),
  def=function(Object, covariate, paired=FALSE,
    validate="none", niter=1000, ...) standardGeneric("univariateWilcox"))
# validate: can be "none", "random.subsets" or "boostrap"

setMethod("univariateWilcox",  signature=c(Object="Dataset", covariate="character"),
  valueClass="data.frame", definition=function(Object, covariate, paired=FALSE, ...) {
    pvals <- apply(exprs(Object), 1, function(x) {
      wil <- wilcox.test(x ~ factor(getSampleMetaData(Object, covariate)),
        alternative="two.sided", paired=paired, ...)
    qvals <- p.adjust(pvals, method="BH")
    medians <- medianCI(Object, covariate)
    returnObject <- data.frame(medians, "p.value"=pvals, "q.value"=qvals, check.names=FALSE)
    if(validate != "none") {
      ### the aim of validation is to say how consistent the ranks are
      ### where the ranks are based the qvals
      ### if there is a pairing in the samples, then we preserve pairing
      ### during the random.subsets or bootstrap validation.
      if(paired) {
        indexbygroup <- split(sampleNames(Object), getSampleMetaData(Object, covariate))
        groupsize <- length(indexbygroup[[1]])
        subsamplesize <- ceiling(0.7*groupsize)
      } else {
        subsamplesize <- ceiling(0.7*ncol(Object))
      prcons <- rep(0, nrow(Object))
      origranks <- rank(qvals)
      if(validate=="random.subsets") {
        for(i in seq(niter)) {
          if(paired) {
            rsamp <- sample(groupsize, size=subsamplesize, replace=FALSE)
            subsample <- c(indexbygroup[[1]][rsamp], indexbygroup[[2]][rsamp])
          } else {
            subsample <- sample(ncol(Object), size=subsamplesize, replace=FALSE)
          subObject <- Object[,subsample]
          subpval <- apply(exprs(subObject), 1, function(x) {
            wilcox.test(x ~ factor(getSampleMetaData(Object, covariate)),
              alternative="two.sided", paired=paired, ...)$p.value
          subranks <- rank(subpval)
          prcons <- prcons + as.numeric(subranks >= origranks)
        prcons <- prcons/niter        
      } else if(validate=="bootstrap") {
        for(i in seq(niter)) {
          if(paired) {
            rsamp <- sample(groupsize, size=groupsize, replace=TRUE)
            subsample <- c(indexbygroup[[1]][rsamp], indexbygroup[[2]][rsamp])
          } else {
            subsample <- sample(ncol(Object), size=ncol(Object), replace=TRUE)
          subObject <- Object[,subsample]            
          subpval <- apply(exprs(subObject), 1, function(x) {
            wilcox.test(x ~ factor(getSampleMetaData(Object, covariate)),
              alternative="two.sided", paired=paired, ...)$p.value
          subranks <- rank(subpval)
          prcons <- prcons + as.numeric(subranks >= origranks)
        prcons <- prcons/niter
      returnObject <- data.frame(returnObject, "consistency"=prcons, check.names=FALSE)
zzxxyui/metadarpython documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:21 p.m.