convert.snp.ped: function to convert genotypic data in pedigree fromat (+map)...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) See Also Examples


Converts genotypic data in a variety of pedigree fromats (+map) to internal genotypic data formated file


convert.snp.ped(pedfile, mapfile, outfile, format = "premakeped", traits = 1, 
	strand = "u", bcast = 10000000, wslash=FALSE, mapHasHeaderLine=TRUE)



Pre-makeped linkage genotypic data file name (no header line)


Name of the map file (note that by default header line should be included, see 'mapHasHeaderLine' to modify that)


Output data file


Input data format, either "premakeped" (default, also works with Merlin files), or "mach"


How many traits are specified in the pedigree file (usually 1 – affection – or 2 – affection and liability). Has no effect when format = "mach".


Specification of strand, one of "u" (unknown), "+", "-" or "file". In the latter case, map-file should contain an extended map (the one including strand and coding)


Reports progress after reading bcast portion of SNPs


Whether alleles are separated with slash (is true for Mach/Merlin format), otherwise it is assumed that alleles are separated with space. When wslash=T it is assumed that genotypes are coded with single characters, separated with slash (no spaces), e.g. "A/G", and not "A/ G" or "A / G".


Whether map-file has a header line


Pedfile must be standard pre-makeped/Merlin linkage file, or a Mach file. In pre-makeped linkage file, columns are

ped id fa mo sex trait snp1.allele1 snp1.allele2 snp2.allele1 snp2.allele2 ...

For example

1 1 0 0 1 2 A A G T ...

1 2 0 0 1 0 A G T T ...

1 3 0 0 2 1 A A T T ...


Would imply that persons 1, 2 and 3 are "founders" (which would be typical for a case-control study), 1 and 2 are males and 3 is female. Person 1 is homozygous for allele 1 at locus 1 and heterozygous at locus 2. Person 2 is heterozygous at both loci. Person 3 is homozygous for allele 2 at locus 1 and allele 1 at locus 2.

Only the second and the marker columns are used, thus make sure the IDs are unique!

Accepted allele codes: 1/2, A/B, A/T, A/G, A/C, T/G, T/C, G/C, A/-, T/-, G/-, C/-. Here, "-" stands of a deletion.

The map file is standard Merlin map. For example:

chrom name position

18 rs679153 2859916

18 rs9965482 2860891

Says that locus 1 is named rs679153 and located at chromosome 18 position 2859916. Locus 2 (rs9965482) is located at chromosome 18, position 2860891.

In extended map format, there should be 4th column specifying the strand

chrom name position strand

18 rs679153 2859916 -

18 rs9965482 2860891 +

Accepted strand coding: +, -, u (unknown)

Please note that by default the header line (e.g. "chrom name position") SHOULD be present in your file, though you can use 'mapHasHeaderLine' argument to modify this behavior


Does not return any value, but writes file with GenABEL raw data


The function does not check if "outfile" already exists, thus it is always over-written


Yurii Aulchenko

See Also, convert.snp.illumina, convert.snp.mach, convert.snp.text, convert.snp.tped


# convert.snp.ped(ped="pedin.18",mapfile="map.18",out="genos.raw")

Example output

Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package:

GenABEL documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:36 a.m.