WGassociation: Whole genome association analysis

WGassociationR Documentation

Whole genome association analysis


This function carries out a whole genome association analysis between the SNPs and a dependent variable (phenotype) under five different genetic models (inheritance patterns): codominant, dominant, recessive, overdominant and log-additive. The phenotype may be quantitative or categorical. In the second case (e.g. case-control studies) this variable must be of class 'factor' with two levels.


   WGassociation(formula, data, model = c("all"), 
                 quantitative = is.quantitative(formula, data),
                 genotypingRate = 80, level = 0.95, ...)



either a symbolic description of the model to be fited (a formula object) without the SNP or the name of response variable in the case of fitting single models (e.g. unadjusted models). It might have either a continuous variable (quantitative traits) or a factor variable (case-control studies) as the response on the left of the ~ operator and terms with additional covariates on the right of the ~ operator may be added to fit an adjusted model (e.g., ~var1+var2+...+varN+SNP). See details


a required dataframe of class 'setupSNP' containing the variables in the model and the SNPs


a character string specifying the type of genetic model (mode of inheritance) for the SNP. This indicates how the genotypes should be collapsed. Possible values are "codominant", "dominant", "recessive", "overdominant", "log-additive" or "all". The default is "all" that fits the 5 possible genetic models. Only the first words are required, e.g "co", "do", etc.


logical value indicating whether the phenotype (that which is in the left of the operator ~ in 'formula' argument) is quantitative. The function 'is.quantitative' returns FALSE when the phenotype is a variable with two categories (i.e. indicating case-control status). Thus, it is not a required argument but it may be modified by the user.


minimum percentage of genotype rate for a given SNP to be included in the analysis. Default is 80%.


signification level for confidence intervals. Defaul 95%.


Other arguments to be passed through glm function


This function assesses the association between the response variable included in the left side in the 'formula' and the SNPs included in the 'data' argument adjusted by those variables included in the right side of the 'formula'. Different genetic models may be analyzed using 'model' argument.


An object of class 'WGassociation'.

'summary' returns a summary table by groups defined in info (genes/chromosomes).

'WGstats' returns a detailed output, similar to the produced by association.

'pvalues' and 'print' return a table of p-values for each genetic model for each SNP. The first column indicates whether a problem with genotyping is present.

'plot' produces a plot of p values in the -log scale. See plot.WGassociation for further details.

'labels' returns the names of the SNPs analyzed.

The functions 'codominat', 'dominant', 'recessive', 'overdominant' and 'additive' are used to obtain the p values under these genetic models.

See examples for further illustration about all previous issues.


JR Gonzalez, L Armengol, X Sole, E Guino, JM Mercader, X Estivill, V Moreno. SNPassoc: an R package to perform whole genome association studies. Bioinformatics, 2007;23(5):654-5.

See Also

getSignificantSNPs association WGstats setupSNP plot.WGassociation



# In that case the formula is not required. You can also write:
# ansAll<-WGassociation(protein,data=datSNP,model="all")

#only codominant and log-additive

#for printing p values

#for obtaining a matrix with the p palues

# when all models are fitted and we are interested in obtaining 
# p values for different genetic models

# codominant model

# recessive model

# and the same for additive, dominant or overdominant


#for a detailed report

#for plotting the p values

SNPassoc documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:26 a.m.