trajMap: Trajectory line plots in 'leaflet'

View source: R/traj_trajMap.R

trajMapR Documentation

Trajectory line plots in leaflet


This function plots back trajectories on a leaflet map. This function requires that data are imported using the openair::importTraj() function. Options are provided to colour the individual trajectories (e.g., by pollutant concentrations) or create "layer control" menus to show/hide different layers.


  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  colour = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  cols = "default",
  alpha = 0.5,
  npoints = 12,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  legend.position = "topright",
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright",
  control = NULL



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Column to be used for colouring each trajectory.

default: NULL

This column may be numeric, character, factor or date(time). This will commonly be a pollutant concentration which has been joined (e.g., by dplyr::left_join()) to the trajectory data by "date".


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which can be selected between using a "layer control" menu. Passed to openair::cutData().


Colours to use for plotting.

default: "default"

The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours().


Transparency value for trajectories.

default: 1

A value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).


Interval at which points are placed along the trajectory paths.

default: 12

A dot is placed every npoints along each full trajectory. For hourly back trajectories points are plotted every npoints hours. This helps to understand where the air masses were at particular times and get a feel for the speed of the air (points closer together correspond to slower moving air masses). Defaults to 12.


The basemap to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap"

A single leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used.


Position of the shared legend.

default: "topright"

Where should the legend be placed? One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend(). NULL defaults to "topright".


Title of the legend.

default: NULL

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title based on colour. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. Users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML().


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE

Should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright"

Where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


Deprecated. Please use type.


A leaflet object.

See Also


trajMapStatic() for the static ggplot2 equivalent of trajMap()

Other interactive trajectory maps: trajLevelMap()


## Not run: 
trajMap(traj_data, colour = "pm10")

## End(Not run)

openairmaps documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:24 p.m.