get_market_expectations: Get market expectations

View source: R/odata-expectativas.R

get_market_expectationsR Documentation

Get market expectations


General function to get statistics of market expectations. The API provides requests for annual, monthly, and quarterly expectations. Is is also proveided expectations for 12 months ahead, specific requests for the top 5 indicators for annual and monthly expectations and data provided by financial institutions.


  type = c("annual", "quarterly", "monthly", "inflation-12-months", "top5s-monthly",
    "top5s-annual", "selic", "top5s-selic"),
  indic = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  keep_names = TRUE,



a character with one of the following: annual, quarterly monthly, inflation-12-months, top5s-monthly, top5s-annual.


a character vector with economic indicators names. They are case sensitive and don't forget the accents.


series initial date. Accepts ISO character formated date and Date.


series final date. Accepts ISO character formated date and Date.


if TRUE keeps the column names returned by the API (in portuguese), if FALSE the columns are renamed to standardized names (in english).


additional parameters to be passed to the API

type defines the API used to fetch data.

  • selic: refers to the API *Expectativas de Mercado Selic - Estatísticas* for SELIC rate expectations

  • annual: refers to the API *Expectativas de Mercado Anuais* for annual market expectations

  • quarterly: refers to the API *Expectativas de Mercado Trimestrais* for quarterly market expectations

  • monthly: refers to the API *Expectativas de Mercado Mensais* for monthly market expectations

  • inflation-12-months: refers to the API *Expectativas de mercado para inflação nos próximos 12 meses* for market expectations of inflation indexes for the next 12 months.

  • top5s-selic: refers to the API *Expectativas de Mercado Selic Top5* for SELIC rate expectations of top 5's

  • top5s-monthly: refers to the API *Expectativas de mercado mensais para os indicadores do Top 5* for monthly market expectations of top 5's

  • top5s-annual: refers to the API *Expectativas de mercado anuais para os indicadores do Top 5* for annual market expectations of top 5's

indic argument must be one of indicators listed in Details. Respecting the case, blank spaces and accents.

The ... is to be used with API's parameters. $top to specify the maximum number of rows to be returned, this returns the $top rows, in chronological order. $skip can be used to ignore the first rows. If provided $filter applies filters according to <>.


All statistics are computed based on expectations provided by many financial institutions in Brazil: banks, funds, risk managers, so on and so forth. These expections and its statistics are used to build the FOCUS Report weekly released by the Brazilian Central Bank.

There are market expectations available for the following indicators:

  • Balança Comercial

  • Câmbio

  • Conta corrente

  • Dívida bruta do governo geral

  • Dívida líquida do setor público

  • IGP-DI

  • IGP-M

  • INPC

  • Investimento direto no país

  • IPA-DI

  • IPA-M

  • IPCA

  • IPCA Administrados

  • IPCA Alimentação no domicílio

  • IPCA Bens industrializados

  • IPCA Livres

  • IPCA Serviços

  • IPCA-15


  • PIB Agropecuária

  • PIB Despesa de consumo da administração pública

  • PIB despesa de consumo das famílias

  • PIB Exportação de bens e serviços

  • PIB Formação Bruta de Capital Fixo

  • PIB Importação de bens e serviços

  • PIB Indústria

  • PIB Serviços

  • PIB Total

  • Produção industrial

  • Resultado nominal

  • Resultado primário

  • Selic

  • Taxa de desocupação

Check <> for more details


A data.frame with the requested data.


## Not run: 
indic <- c("IPCA", "Câmbio")
x <- get_market_expectations("annual", indic, `$top` = 10)

x <- get_market_expectations("monthly", "Selic", `$top` = 20)

# get monthly expectations for top 5 indicators since 2021
x <- get_market_expectations("top5s-monthly", start_date = "2021-01-01")

# get annual expectations for top 5 indicators since 2021
x <- get_market_expectations("top5s-annual", `$top` = 20)

# get all inflation expectations for 12 months ahead starting on 2021-01
x <- get_market_expectations("inflation-12-months", start_date = "2021-01-01")

# get all SELIC expectations informed by financial institutions since 2022
x <- get_market_expectations("selic", start_date = "2022-01-01")

# get TOP5 SELIC expectations starting on 2022
x <- get_market_expectations("top5s-selic", start_date = "2022-01-01")

## End(Not run)

rbcb documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:09 p.m.