streamDAGs: Stream DAG datasets

View source: R/streamDAGs.R

streamDAGsR Documentation

Stream DAG datasets


The function contains a number of stream direct acyclic graph datasets written in igraph format. See: graph_from_literal. Many of the graphs were based on sampling regimes for the National Science Foundation Aquatic Intermittency Effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS) project.


streamDAGs(graph = c("dc_piezo_full", "dc_full", "gj_full16", "gj_synoptic_2023", 
"gj_full", "jd_piezo_full","jd_full", "konza_full", "KD0521", "KD0528", "KD0604",
"mur_full", "td_full", "wh_full", "pr_full"))



Currently, one of "dc_piezo_full", "dc_full", "gj_full16", "gj_full16", "gj_full", "gj_synoptic_2023", "jd_piezo_full", "jd_full", "konza_full", "KD0521", "KD0528", "KD0604", "mur_full", "pr_full", "td_full", or "wh_full".


Currently, the following graph options exist:

  1. "dc_piezo_full" codifies the Dry Creek stream network in southwestern Idaho for both STIC (Stream Temperature, Intermittency, and Conductivity) and piezometer locations (outlet coordinates: 43.71839^\circN, 116.13747^\circW).

  2. "dc_full" codifies the Dry Creek stream network in southwestern Idaho but only for STICs, not piezometers, (outlet coordinates: 43.71839^\circN, 116.13747^\circW). This graph can be used in conjunction the dataset: dc_node_pres_abs. Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "DC".

  3. "gj_full16" codifies nodes established at the Gibson Jack drainage in southeast Idaho, as defined in 2016 (outlet coordinates: 42.767180^\circN, 112.480240^\circW).

  4. "gj_full" codifies nodes established at the Gibson Jack drainage in southeast Idaho, by the the AIMS team for seasonal sampling in 2022-2023 (outlet coordinates: 42.767180^\circN, 112.480240^\circW). The graph can be used in conjunction with the datasets gj_node_pres_abs and gj_lengths. Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "GJ".

  5. "gj_synoptic_2023" codifies nodes established at the Gibson Jack drainage in southeast Idaho by the AIMS team during synoptic sampling in 2023, includes piezometers and additional sites to those sampled in "gj_full" (outlet coordinates: 42.767180^\circN, 112.480240^\circW).

  6. "jd_piezo_full" codifies the Johnson Draw stream network in southwestern Idaho for both STC and and piezometer locations (outlet coordinates: 43.12256^\circN, 116.77630^\circW).

  7. "jd_full" codifies the Johnson Draw stream network in southwestern Idaho, but only for STICs, not piezometers (outlet coordinates: 43.12256^\circN, 116.77630^\circW). This graph can be used in conjunction the datasets: jd_node_pres_abs and jd_lengths. Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "JD".

  8. "konza_full" provides codification of a complete intermittent stream network of Konza Prairie in the northern Flint Hills region of Kansas (outlet coordinates: 39.11394^\circN, 96.61153^\circW). The network can be used in conjuction with the datasets kon_coords and kon_lengths.

  9. Options "KD0521","KD0528", and "KD0604" provide networks for Konza Prairie at 05/21/2021 (before spring snow melt), 05/28/2021 (during spring snow melt) and 06/04/2021 (drying following snow melt), respectively.

  10. "mur_full" is an igraph codification of the complete Murphy Creek dataset from the Owyhee Mountains in SW Idaho (outlet coordinates: 43.256^\circN, 116.817^\circW) established in 2019 by Warix et al. (2021), also see Aho et al. (2023). The network can be used in conjunction with the datasets: mur_coords, mur_lengths, and mur_node_pres_abs.

  11. "pr_full" codifies the Painted Rock stream network in northern Alabama (outlet coordinates: 34.96867^\circN, 86.16544^\circW). Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "PR".

  12. "td_full" codifies the Talladega stream network in central Alabama (outlet coordinates: 33.76218^\circN, 85.59552^\circW). Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "TD".

  13. "wh_full" codifies the Weyerhauser stream network in western Alabama (outlet coordinates: 32.98463^\circN, 88.01227^\circW). Network spatial coordinates can be obtained from AIMS.node.coords using: AIMS.node.coords$site == "WH".


Returns a graph object of class igraph.


Ken Aho, Rob Ramos, Rebecca L. Hale, Charles T. Bond, Arya Legg


Aho, K., Derryberry, D., Godsey, S. E., Ramos, R., Warix, S., & Zipper, S. (2023). The communication distance of non-perennial streams. EarthArvix doi: 10.31223/X5Q367

Warix, S. R., Godsey, S. E., Lohse, K. A., & Hale, R. L. (2021), Influence of groundwater and topography on stream drying in semi-arid headwater streams. Hydrological Processes, 35(5), e14185.



streamDAG documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:08 a.m.