x3p_read: Read an x3p file into an x3p object

View source: R/read_x3p.R

x3p_readR Documentation

Read an x3p file into an x3p object


Read file in x3p format. x3p formats describe 3d topological surface according to ISO standard ISO5436 – 2000. x3p files are a container format implemented as a zip archive of a folder consisting of an xml file of meta information and a binary matrix of numeric surface measurements.


x3p_read(file, size = NA, quiet = T, tmpdir = NULL)

read_x3p(file, size = NA, quiet = T, tmpdir = NULL)



The file path to the x3p file, or an url to an x3p file


size in bytes to use for reading the binary file. If not specified, default is used. Will be overwritten if specified in the xml meta file.


for url downloads, show download progress?


temporary directory to use to extract the x3p file (default NULL uses tempdir() to set a directory).


x3p object consisting of a list of the surface matrix and the four records as specified in the ISO standard


logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))

x3ptools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:33 a.m.