Man pages for BAPC
Projection of cancer incidence and mortality data using Bayesian APC models fitted with INLA

BAPCFunction to project age-specific mortality or disease rates...
BAPCList-classClass '"APCList"'
FemLCSwedenLung cancer data for females in Sweden
FemPYSwedenPopulation estimate for females in Sweden
plotBAPCFunction to plot age-specific and/or agestandardized rates...
qapcFunction to compute quantiles for age-specific (and...
ratesByAgeFunction to plot age-specific incidence or mortality rates...
summaryHyperFunction to get summary information for the hyperparamters,...
summarySecDiffFunction to get summary information for the second...
whostandardWHO world standard population
BAPC documentation built on March 23, 2022, 3 p.m.