Man pages for CoSeg
Cosegregation Analysis and Pedigree Simulation

AddAffectedToTreeAdd affection status to a given tree
AddAffectedToTreesAdd affection status to a given tree
BRCA1frequencies.dfBRCA1 cancer incidence data frame
BRCA2frequencies.dfBRCA2 cancer incidence data frame
CalculateLikelihoodRatioA function to calculate the likelihood ratio
ChinaDemographics.dfChinese Demographics Data Frame
CoSeg-packageCosegregation Analysis and Pedigree Simulation
FormatWebToCoSegPlots a tree/pedigree
MakeAffectedTreesMake affected trees
MakeTreeMake a tree
MakeTreesMake a tree
MLH1Frequencies.dfLynch Syndrome cancer incidence data frame
PlotPedigreePlots a tree/pedigree
PrunePedigreeA function to calculate the likelihood ratio
RankMembersA function to calculate the likelihood ratio
USDemographics.dfUnited States Demographics Data Frame
CoSeg documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 3 p.m.