Man pages for DClusterm
Model-Based Detection of Disease Clusters

brainNMBrain cancer in New Mexico, USA, 1973-1991.
CalcStatClusterGivenCenterCalls the function to obtain the cluster with the maximum...
CalcStatsAllClustersObtains the clusters with the maximum log-likelihood ratio or...
computeprobComputes the probability that a model parameter is <=k from...
CreateGridDClustermCreates grid over the study area.
DetectClustersModelDetects clusters and computes their significance.
get.allknclustersExtract indices of the areas in the clusters detected
get.stclustersGets areas in a spatio-temporal cluster
glmAndZIP.isclusterObtains the cluster with the maximum log-likelihood ratio or...
knbinaryConstructs data frame with clusters in binary format.
mergeknclustersMerges clusters so that they are identifed as levels of a...
NavarreBrain cancer in males in Navarre, Spain, 1988-1994.
NY8Leukemia in an eight-county region of upstate New York,...
SelectStatsAllClustersNoOverlapRemoves the overlapping clusters.
SetVbleClusterConstructs a variable that indicates the locations and times...
slimknclustersRemove overlapping clusters
DClusterm documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 3:01 a.m.