setPlusGroup: Method setPlusGroup

Description Generic function Methods Author(s) See Also Examples


Calculates the appropriate values for the plusgroup of an object and returns a new object with the plusgroup set to the given age.

quant of the given object must be 'age', and the selected age must not be greater than the oldest age present in the object.

Generic function

sePlusGroup(x, plusgroup)


signature(x=FLQuant, plusgroup=numeric) :

Adds values for the indicated age and older.

signature(x=FLStock, plusgroup=numeric) :

The values for the plusgroup of the various slots in the FLStock object are calculated in different ways.

For slots catch.n, landings.n, discards.n and stock.n the plusgroup is calculated as the sum of values for ages equal to the plusgroup and above.

For slots catch.wt, landings.wt, discards.wt and stock.wt the plusgroup value is calculated as the weighted average of the values for ages equal to the plusgroup and above, weighted by the corresponding numbers at age.

If stock numbers at age are not available then the revised stock weights are calculated as a weighted average using the catch numbers at age and the slots for harvest, m, mat, harvest.spwn and m.spwn are truncated at the plusgroup age.

If stock numbers at age are available the plusgroup values for harvest, m, mat, harvest.spwn and m.spwn are calculated as a weighted average using the stock numbers at age.

signature(x=FLBiol, plusgroup=numeric) :

Calculations are similar to FLStock above.

signature(x=FLCatch, plusgroup=numeric) :

Abundances (n slot) are added, while weights (wt), natural mortality (m), and fecundity (fec) are averaged.


The FLR Team

See Also

FLStock, FLQuant, FLBiol, FLCatch


data(ple4) <- setPlusGroup(ple4, 6)

FLCore documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.