LDOD-package: Finding Locally D-optimal optimal designs for some nonlinear...

Description Details Author(s) References


This package provides functions for Finding Locally D-optimal designs for Logistic, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Michaelis-Menten, Exponential, Log-Linear, Emax, Richards, Weibull and Inverse Quadratic regression models and also functions for auto-constructing Fisher information matrix and Frechet derivative based on some input variables and without user-interfere.


Package: LDOD
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-02-24
License: GPL (>=2)


Ehsan Masoudi, Majid Sarmad and Hooshang Talebi

Maintainer: Ehsan Masoudi <esn_mud@yahoo.com>


Masoudi, E., Sarmad, M. and Talebi, H. 2012, An Almost General Code in R to Find Optimal Design, In Proceedings of the 1st ISM International Statistical Conference 2012, 292-297.

LDOD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:06 p.m.