TsparseMatrix-class: Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form

TsparseMatrix-classR Documentation

Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form


The "TsparseMatrix" class is the virtual class of all sparse matrices coded in triplet form. Since it is a virtual class, no objects may be created from it. See showClass("TsparseMatrix") for its subclasses.


Dim, Dimnames:

from the "Matrix" class,


Object of class "integer" - the row indices of non-zero entries in 0-base, i.e., must be in 0:(nrow(.)-1).


Object of class "integer" - the column indices of non-zero entries. Must be the same length as slot i and 0-based as well, i.e., in 0:(ncol(.)-1). For numeric Tsparse matrices, (i,j) pairs can occur more than once, see dgTMatrix.


Class "sparseMatrix", directly. Class "Matrix", by class "sparseMatrix".


Extraction ("[") methods, see [-methods.


Most operations with sparse matrices are performed using the compressed, column-oriented or CsparseMatrix representation. The triplet representation is convenient for creating a sparse matrix or for reading and writing such matrices. Once it is created, however, the matrix is generally coerced to a CsparseMatrix for further operations.

Note that all new(.), spMatrix and sparseMatrix(*, repr="T") constructors for "TsparseMatrix" classes implicitly add (i.e., “sum up”) x_k's that belong to identical (i_k, j_k) pairs, see, the example below, or also "dgTMatrix".

For convenience, methods for some operations such as %*% and crossprod are defined for TsparseMatrix objects. These methods simply coerce the TsparseMatrix object to a CsparseMatrix object then perform the operation.

See Also

its superclass, sparseMatrix, and the dgTMatrix class, for the links to other classes.


## or just the subclasses' names

T3 <- spMatrix(3,4, i=c(1,3:1), j=c(2,4:2), x=1:4)
T3 # only 3 non-zero entries, 5 = 1+4 !

m <- Matrix(0+1:28, nrow = 4)
m[-3,c(2,4:5,7)] <- m[ 3, 1:4] <- m[1:3, 6] <- 0
(mT <- as(m, "TsparseMatrix"))
mT[4, drop = FALSE]
                    m [lower.tri(m) ]))
mT[lower.tri(mT,diag=TRUE)] <- 0

## Triplet representation with repeated (i,j) entries
## *adds* the corresponding x's:
T2 <- new("dgTMatrix",
          i = as.integer(c(1,1,0,3,3)),
          j = as.integer(c(2,2,4,0,0)), x=10*1:5, Dim=4:5)
str(T2) # contains (i,j,x) slots exactly as above, but
T2 ## has only three non-zero entries, as for repeated (i,j)'s,
   ## the corresponding x's are "implicitly" added
stopifnot(nnzero(T2) == 3)

mm <- Matrix(toeplitz(c(10, 0, 1, 0, 3)), sparse = TRUE)
mm # automatically dsCMatrix
mT <- as(as(mm, "generalMatrix"), "TsparseMatrix")

## Either
(symM <- as(mT, "symmetricMatrix")) # dsT
(symC <- as(symM, "CsparseMatrix")) # dsC
## or
sT <- Matrix(mT, sparse=TRUE, forceCheck=TRUE) # dsT

sym2 <- as(symC, "TsparseMatrix")
## --> the same as 'symM', a "dsTMatrix"

t1 <- new("dtTMatrix", x= c(3,7), i= 0:1, j=3:2, Dim= as.integer(c(4,4)))
## from  0-diagonal to unit-diagonal {low-level step}:
tu <- t1 ; tu@diag <- "U"
(cu <- as(tu, "CsparseMatrix"))
str(cu)# only two entries in @i and @x
stopifnot(cu@i == 1:0,
          all(2 * symmpart(cu) == Diagonal(4) + forceSymmetric(cu)))

t1[1,2:3] <- -1:-2
diag(t1) <- 10*c(1:2,3:2)
t1 # still triangular
(it1 <- solve(t1))
t1. <- solve(it1)
all(abs(t1 - t1.) < 10 * .Machine$double.eps)

## 2nd example
U5 <- new("dtCMatrix", i= c(1L, 0:3), p=c(0L,0L,0:2, 5L), Dim = c(5L, 5L),
          x = rep(1, 5), diag = "U")
(iu <- solve(U5)) # contains one '0'
validObject(iu2 <- solve(U5, Diagonal(5)))# failed in earlier versions

I5 <- iu  %*% U5 # should equal the identity matrix
i5 <- iu2 %*% U5
m53 <- matrix(1:15, 5,3, dimnames=list(NULL,letters[1:3]))
asDiag <- function(M) as(drop0(M), "diagonalMatrix")
   all.equal(Diagonal(5), asDiag(I5), tolerance=1e-14) ,
   all.equal(Diagonal(5), asDiag(i5), tolerance=1e-14) ,
   identical(list(NULL, dimnames(m53)[[2]]), dimnames(solve(U5, m53)))

Matrix documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 3:01 p.m.