USCounties: Contiguity Matrix of U.S. Counties

USCountiesR Documentation

Contiguity Matrix of U.S. Counties


This matrix gives the contiguities of 3111 U.S. counties, using the queen criterion of at least one shared vertex or edge.




A 3111 \times 3111 sparse, symmetric matrix of class dsCMatrix, with 9101 nonzero entries.


GAL lattice file ‘usc_q.GAL’ (retrieved in 2008 from ‘’ with permission from Luc Anselin for use and distribution) was read into R using function from package spdep.

Neighbour lists were augmented with row-standardized (and then symmetrized) spatial weights, using functions nb2listw and similar.listw from packages spdep and spatialreg. The resulting listw object was coerced to class dsTMatrix using as_dsTMatrix_listw from spatialreg, and subsequently to class dsCMatrix.


Ord, J. K. (1975). Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70(349), 120-126. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2307/2285387")}


data(USCounties, package = "Matrix")
(n <- ncol(USCounties))
I <- .symDiagonal(n)

r <- 50L
rho <- 1 / runif(r, 0, 0.5)

system.time(MJ0 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(USCounties + mult * I, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus))

## Can be done faster by updating the Cholesky factor:

C1 <- Cholesky(USCounties, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ1 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(update(C1, USCounties, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ1))

C2 <- Cholesky(USCounties, super = TRUE, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ2 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
    determinant(update(C2, USCounties, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ2))

Matrix documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 3:01 p.m.