Man pages for MethComp
Analysis of Method Comparison studies

abconvDerive linear conversion coefficients from a set of...
AltRegEstimate in a method comparison model with replicates
AnconaData from a rating experiment of recorgnizing point counts.
BA.estBias and variance components for a Bland-Altman plot.
BA.plotBland-Altman plot of differences versus averages.
bothlinesAdd regression lines to a plot
cardiacMeasurement of cardiac output by two different methods.
CardOutputMeasurements of Cardiac output.
check.MCmcmcFunctions to graphically assess the convergence of the...
choose.transFunctions to handle transformations of measuremnt results.
corr.measuresCorrelation measures for method comparison studies. Please...
DA.regMake a regression of differences on averages
DemingRegression with errors in both variables (Deming regression)
EnzymeEnzyme activity data
fatMeasurements of subcutaneous and visceral fat
glucoseGlucose measurements by different methods
hba1cMeasurements of HbA1c from Steno Diabetes Center
hba.MCA MCmcmc object from the hba1c data
MCmcmcFit a model for method comparison studies using WinBUGS
MethCreate a Meth object representing a method comparison study
MethCompSummarize conversion equations and prediction intervals...
Meth.simSimulate a dataframe containing replicate measurements on the...
milkMeasurement of fat content of human milk by two different...
oxMeasurement of oxygen saturation in blood
ox.MCA MCmcmc object from the oximetry data.
pbregPassing-Bablok regression
PEFRPeak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) measurements with Wright...
perm.replManipulate the replicate numbering within (item,method)
plot.MCmcmcPlot estimated conversion lines and formulae.
plotpbregPassing-Bablok regression - plot method
plot.VarCompPlot the a posteriori densities for variance components
plvolMeasurements of plasma volume measured by two different...
predictpbregPassing-Bablok regression - predict method
rainmanPerception of points in a swarm
sbpSystolic blood pressure measured by three different methods.
sbp.MCA MCmcmc object from the sbp data
scintRelative renal function by Scintigraphy
TDICompute Lin's Total deviation index
to.wideFunctions to convert between long and wide representations of...
VitCapMerits of two instruments designed to measure certain aspects...
MethComp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:06 p.m.