Man pages for ModelDataComp
Model-Data Comparison

AllEqualCheck if all values in a vector are the same
Col2Adds transparency to a colour
CorPlotCorrelation Matrix Plot
DefaultParLdefault 'par' settings for plots
FitLogisticFit logistic functions
GetCommonExtentget the common extent of different rasterLayers
LogisticLogistic function
MakeFigfig positions for graphics
MinMaxNormNormalize to a range
ModelDataComp-packageModel-Data Comparison
MultiFitMultiple fits
ObjFctObjective functions
ObjFct2TextConvert objective functions to text
ObjFctColoursClass breaks and colours for objective functions
ObjFctRasterCompute objective functions for raster data
plot.ObjFctPlot objective functions
predict.FitLogisticPredict method for logistic function fits
print.ObjFctPrint objective functions
RandomLHSParLatin-hypercube sampling of parameters
ScatterPlotEnhanced scatterplot with fitting lines
SelectQuantilesSelect values around quantiles
TaylorPlotPlot a Taylor diagram
WollMilchSauPlotCompare means, distributions, and correlations of different...
ModelDataComp documentation built on Nov. 22, 2020, 3 a.m.