OpenRepGrid: OpenRepGrid: an R package for the analysis of repertory...

Description Note Author(s) References


OpenRepGrid: an R package for the analysis of repertory grids. The OpenRepGrid package provides tools for the analysis of repertory grid data. The repertory grid is a method devised by George Alexander Kelly in his seminal work "The Psychology of Personal Constructs" published in 1955. The repertory grid has been used in and outside the context of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) in a broad range of fields. For an introduction into the technique see e.g. Fransella, Bell and Bannister (2003).


To get started with OpenRepGrid visit the project's home under On this site you will find tutorials, explanation about the theory, methods of analysis and the according R code.

To see the preferable citation of the OpenRepGrid package, type citation("OpenRepGrid") into the R console.

Disclaimer: Note that the package is distributed under the GPL 2 license. It is work in progress and is continuously being improved by hopefully numerous contributors. It may contain bugs and errors. There is no warranty whatsoever for the program.


Currently the OpenRepGrid development team is Mark Heckmann. Everyone who is interested in developing the package is invited to join.

The OpenRepGrid package is developed at R-Forge ( The R-Forge site provides information and mailing lists for help queries and bug reports. Bug reports can also be emailed to the package maintainer or issued on under section Suggestions/Issues. The package maintainer at R-Forge is Mark Heckmann <heckmann(at)>.


Fransella, F., Bell, R. C., & Bannister, D. (2003). A Manual for Repertory Grid Technique (2. Ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Kelly, G. A. (1955). The psychology of personal constructs. Vol. I, II. New York: Norton, (2nd printing: 1991, Routledge, London, New York).

OpenRepGrid documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.