Man pages for OpenRepGrid
Tools to analyse repertory grid data

addConstructAdd a new construct to an existing grid object.
addElementAdd an element to an existing grid.
addIndexColumnToMatrixadd index column for neater colnames...
addVarianceExplainedToBiplot2dAdds the percentage of the sum-of-squares explained by each...
alignByIdealAlign constructs using the ideal element to gain pole...
alignByLoadingsAlign constructs by loadings on first pricipal component.
angleOrderIndexes2dMake indexes to order grid by angles in given dimensions.
apply_pbapply with a progress bar...
bertinMake Bertin display of grid data.
bertinBaseWorkhorse for the biplot printing.
bertinClusterBertin display with corresponding cluster anaylsis.
bindConstructsConcatenate the constructs of two grids.
biplot2dDraw a two-dimensional biplot.
biplot3dDraw grid in rgl (3D device).
biplot3dBase2biplot3dBase2 is the workhorse to draw a grid in rgl (3D...
biplotDrawbiplotDraw is the workhorse doing the drawing of a 2D biplot.
biplotEsa2dPlot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in 2D.
biplotEsa3dDraw the eigenstructure analysis (ESA) biplot in rgl (3D...
biplotEsaPseudo3dPlot an eigenstructure analysis (ESA) in 2D grid with 3D...
biplotPseudo3dSee biplotPseudo3d for its use.
biplotSimpleA graphically unsophisticated version of a biplot.
biplotSlater2dDraws Slater's INGRID biplot in 2D.
biplotSlater3dDraw the Slater's INGRID biplot in rgl (3D device).
biplotSlaterPseudo3dDraws Slater's biplot in 2D with depth impression (pseudo...
calcAnglesCalculate angles for points in first two columns.
calcBiplotCoordsCalculate coordinates for biplot.
calcCoordsBordersCoordinates of a sourrounding rectangle in direction of a...
cascademake ascending and descending vector...
centerCentering of rows (constructs) and/or columns (elements).
clusterCluster analysis (of constructs or elements).
constructCorCalculate the correlations between constructs.
constructDCalculate Somers' d for the constructs.
constructPcaPerforms a principal component analysis (PCA) of...
constructRmsCorRoot mean square (RMS) of inter-construct correlations...
convertScivescoImportObjectToRepGridObjectConvert the returned object from the sci:vesco import...
data-bell2010Grid data from Bell (2010).
data-bellmcgorry1992Grid data from Bell and McGorry (1992).
data-boekerGrid data from Boeker (1996).
data-fbb2003Grid data from Fransella, Bell and Bannister (2003).
data-feixas2004Grid data from Feixas and Saul (2004).
data-leach2001Pre- and post therapy dataset from Leach et al. (2001).
data-mackay1992Grid data from Mackay (1992).
data-raeithelGrid data from Raeithel (1998).
data-slater1977aDrug addict's grid data set from Slater (1977, p.
data-slater1977bGrid data from Slater (1977).
decoupledecouple a grid...
dim.repgridReturn size of a grid.
distanceDistance measures (between constructs or elements).
distanceHartmann'Hartmann distance' (standardized Euclidean distances).
distanceNormalized'normalized inter-element distances' (power transformed...
distanceSlater'Slater distances' (standardized Euclidean distances).
doRectanglesOverlapDetect if two rectangles overlap.
doubleEntryJoin the constructs of a grid with the same reversed...
elementCorCalculate the correlations between elements.
extract-methodsExtract parts of the repgrid object.
formatMatrixFormat a matrix and add index column.
getConstructNamesGet construct names...
getConstructNames2Retrieve construct names in needed format.
getElementNamesRetrieve element names of repgrid object.
getElementNames2Retrieve element names in needed format.
getNoOfConstructsget number of constructs...
getNoOfElementsget number of elements...
getRatingLayerget rating layer...
getScaleGet minimum and maximum scale value used in grid.
getScaleMidpointGet midpoint of the grid rating scale...
homeRotate the interactive 3D device to a default viewpoint or...
importGridcorImport GRIDCOR data files.
importGridcorInternalInternal parser for GRIDCOR data files.
importGridstatImport Gridstat data files.
importGridstatInternalParser for Gridstat data files.
importGridsuiteImport Gridsuite data files.
importGridsuiteInternalInternal parser for Gridsuite data files...
importScivescoImport sci:vesco data files.
importScivescoInternalInternal parser for sci:vesco files (suffix scires).
importTxtImport grid data from a text file.
importTxtInternalImportTxtInternal is the parser for importTxt that constructs...
indexBiasCalculate 'bias' of grid as defined by Slater (1977).
indexConflict1Conflict measure for grids (Slade & Sheehan, 1979) based on...
indexConflict2Conflict measure for grids (Bassler et al., 1992) based on...
indexConflict3Conflict or inconsistenciy measure for grids (Bell, 2004)...
indexDilemmaDetect implicative dilemmas (conflicts).
indexIntensityIntensity index
indexPvaffPercentage of Variance Accounted for by the First Factor...
indexVariabilityCalculate 'variability' of a grid as defined by Slater...
lapply_pblapply with a progress bar...
loadgridload repertory grid file using a GUI...
makeEmptyRepgridConstructor for repgrid class...
makeRepgridMake a new repgrid object.
mapmap a value onto others...
mapCoordinatesToColorDetermine color values according to a given range of values.
mapCoordinatesToValueMap arbitrary numeric vector to a given range of values.
moveMove construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or...
normalizeNormalize rows or columns by its standard deviation.
OpenRepGridOpenRepGrid: an R package for the analysis of repertory...
OpenRepGrid-internalOpenRepGrid: internal functions overview for developers.
orderByorder one vector by another...
orderByStringfind the order of a string vector so it will match the order...
permuteConstructsGenerate a list with all possible construct reflections of a...
permuteGridPermute rows, columns or whole grid matrix.
prepareBiplotDataPrepare dataframe passed to drawing functions for biplots.
quasiDistributionDistanceSlaterGenerate random grids and calculate 'Slater distances'...
randomGridGenerate a random grid (quasis) of prompted size.
randomGridsGenerate a list of random grids (quasis) of prompted size.
randomSentencegenerate a random sentence with n words...
randomSentencesgenerate n random sentences with a given or random number of...
randomWordsgenerate a random words...
recyclerecycle vector to given length...
recycle2variation of recycle that recycles one vector x or y to the...
reorder2dOrder grid by angles between construct and/or elements in 2D.
repgrid-classDefinition of repgrid class...
rglDrawConstructLabelsdraw constructs in rgl...
rglDrawConstructPointsdraw constructs in rgl...
rglDrawStandardAxesDraw standard axes in the origin in an rgl plot.
rglDrawStandardEllipsesDraw standard ellipses in the origin in an rgl plot.
ringbring vector values into ring form...
sapply_pbsapply with a progress bar...
saveAsTxtSave grid in a text file (txt).
setConstructAttrSet the attributes of a construct...
setElementAttrSet the attributes of an element...
setScaleSet the scale range of a grid.
shiftShift construct or element to first position...
show,-methodShow method for repgrid...
showScalePrint scale range information to the console.
ssqCalculate SSQ (accuracy) of biplot representation for...
statsDescriptive statistics for constructs and elements of a grid.
stepChartDensity histogram withs steps instead of bars
strReversereverse a string...
subassignMethod for "<-" assignment of the repgrid ratings.
swapConstructsSwap the position of two constructs.
swapElementsSwap the position of two elements...
swapPolesSwaps the construct poles.
trim_valtrim vector to lower or upper value...
OpenRepGrid documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.