findJobs.JobBatch: Searches by name for Job:s in this JobBatch

Description Arguments Value Author(s) See Also


Searches by name for Job:s in this JobBatch. Jobs are searched for in the subfolders a valid Job, that is, a job directory, can reside in. The name of a Job is equal to the jobs directory name, e.g. job01.



A vector of character strings of job names to be found.


If TRUE, the names strings may be regular expression patterns, otherwise exact matching is required.


A vector of character strings of directory names where to search for jobs.


Not used.


Returns a named list of Job:s with names equal to the names argument. If regexpr is TRUE, several elements may have the same name. Jobs not found are returned as NULL.


Henrik Bengtsson (

See Also

getName.Job(). For more information see JobBatch.

R.batch documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:58 p.m.