applyWindows | applyWindows |
BerkeleyJulianDateToPOSIXct | BerkeleyJulianDateToPOSIXct |
DEGebExample | Eddy covariance data from Gebesee crop site, Germany |
Example_DETha98 | Eddy covariance data from Tharandt, Germany |
fAddNCFVar | fAddNCFVar |
fCalcAVPfromVMFandPress | fCalcAVPfromVMFandPress |
fCalcETfromLE | fCalcETfromLE |
fCalcExtRadiation | fCalcExtRadiation |
fCalcLengthOfGaps | fCalcLengthOfGaps |
fCalcPotRadiation | fCalcPotRadiation |
fCalcRHfromAVPandTair | fCalcRHfromAVPandTair |
fCalcSunPosition | fCalcSunPosition |
fCalcSVPfromTair | fCalcSVPfromTair |
fCalcVPDfromRHandTair | fCalcVPDfromRHandTair |
fCheckColNames | fCheckColNames |
fCheckColNum | fCheckColNum |
fCheckColPlausibility | fCheckColPlausibility |
fCheckHHTimeSeries | fCheckHHTimeSeries |
fCheckOutsideRange | fCheckOutsideRange |
fCheckValNum | fCheckValNum |
fCheckValString | fCheckValString |
fConvertCtoK | fConvertCtoK |
fConvertGapsToNA | fConvertGapsToNA |
fConvertGlobalToVisible | fConvertGlobalToVisible |
fConvertKtoC | fConvertKtoC |
fConvertNAsToGap | fConvertNAsToGap |
fConvertTimeToPosix | Convert different time formats to POSIX |
fConvertVisibleWm2toPhotons | fConvertVisibleWm2toPhotons |
fExpandToFullYear | fExpandToFullYear |
fFilterAttr | fFilterAttr |
fFullYearTimeSteps | fFullYearTimeSteps |
fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod | fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod |
fGetEndOfEddyPeriod | fGetEndOfEddyPeriod |
fGetYearOfEddyPeriod | fGetYearOfEddyPeriod |
fillNAForward | fillNAForward |
fInitFilesDir | fInitFilesDir |
fInterpolateGaps | fInterpolateGaps |
fLloydTaylor | Temperature dependence of soil respiration |
fLoadEuroFlux16 | fLoadEuroFlux16 |
fLoadFluxNCInfo | Get site information from BGI NetCDF files |
fLoadFluxNCIntoDataframe | Load NetCDF file |
fLoadTXTIntoDataframe | Load text file with one header and one unit row into data... |
fOptimSingleE0 | Estimate temperature sensitivity E_0 using a Newton type... |
fOptimSingleE0_Lev | Estimate temperature sensitivity E_0 using Levenberg-Marquard... |
fReadTimeBerkeley | fReadTimeBerkeley |
fReadTimeSeveralCols | fReadTimeSeveralCols |
fRegrE0fromShortTerm | Estimation of the temperature sensitivity E_0 |
fSetFile | fSetFile |
fSetQF | Check and set quality flag |
fStripFileExtension | fStripFileExtension |
fWriteDataframeToFile | fWriteDataframeToFile |
getAmerifluxToBGC05VariableNameMapping | getAmerifluxToBGC05VariableNameMapping |
getBGC05ToAmerifluxVariableNameMapping | getBGC05ToAmerifluxVariableNameMapping |
isValidNightRecord | isValidNightRecord |
parmGLOptimLRCBounds | parmGLOptimLRCBounds |
partGLBoundParameters | partGLBoundParameters |
partGLControl | partGLControl |
partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only | partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only |
partGLFitLRC | partGLFitLRC |
partGLFitLRCOneWindow | partGLFitLRCOneWindow |
partGLFitLRCWindows | partGLFitLRCWindows |
partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow | partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow |
partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow | partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow |
partGLInterpolateFluxes | partGLInterpolateFluxes |
partGL_RHLightResponse | partGL RHLightResponse |
partGL_RHLightResponseGrad | partGL RHLightResponseGrad |
partGLSmoothTempSens | partGLSmoothTempSens |
partitionNEEGL | partitionNEEGL |
POSIXctToBerkeleyJulianDate | POSIXctToBerkeleyJulianDate |
REddyProc-package | Data processing and plotting utilities of (half-)hourly... |
renameVariablesInDataframe | renameVariablesInDataframe |
RHLightResponseCostC | RHLightResponseCostC |
sCalcPotRadiation | sCalcPotRadiation |
sEddyProc.example | sEddyProc - Example code | | sEddyProc$new - Initialization of sEddyProc |
sEstUstarThreshold | sEddyProc$sEstUstarThreshold - Estimating ustar threshold |
sEstUstarThresholdDistribution | sEstUstarThresholdDistribution |
sExportData | sEddyProc$sExportData - Export internal sDATA data frame |
sExportResults | sEddyProc$sExportData - Export internal sTEMP data frame with... |
sFillInit | sEddyProc$sFillInit - Initialize gap filling |
sFillLUT | sEddyProc$sFillLUT - Gap filling with Look-Up Table (LUT) |
sFillMDC | sEddyProc$sFillMDC - Gap filling with Mean Diurnal Course... |
sGetData | sEddyProc$sGetData - Get internal sDATA data frame |
sGLFluxPartition | sGLFluxPartition: Flux partitioning after Lasslop et al.... |
sMDSGapFill | sEddyProc$sMDSGapFill - MDS gap filling algorithm |
sMDSGapFillAfterUstar | sEddyProc$sMDSGapFillAfterUstar - MDS gap filling algorithm... |
sMDSGapFillAfterUStarDistr | GapFilling for several filters of estimated friction velocity... |
sMRFluxPartition | sEddyProc$sMRFluxPartition - Flux partitioning after... |
sPlotDailySums | sEddyProc$sPlotDailySums - Image with daily sums of each year |
sPlotDailySumsY | sEddyProc$sPlotDailySumsY - Plot daily sum of specified year |
sPlotDiurnalCycle | sEddyProc$sPlotDiurnalCycle - Image with diurnal cycles of... |
sPlotFingerprint | sEddyProc$sPlotFingerprint - Image with fingerprints of each... |
sPlotFingerprintY | sEddyProc$sPlotFingerprintY - Plot fingerprint of specified... |
sPlotHHFluxes | sEddyProc$sPlotHHFluxes - Image with half-hourly fluxes for... |
sPlotHHFluxesY | sEddyProc$sPlotHHFluxesY - Plot half-hourly fluxes of... |
sPlotNEEVersusUStarForSeason | sEddyProc$sPlotNEEVersusUStarForSeason - Image with NEE... |
sPrintFrames | sEddyProc$sPrintFrames - Print internal sDATA and sTEMP data... |
sRegrE0fromShortTerm | sEddyProc$sRegrE0fromShortTerm - Estimation of the... |
sRegrRref | sEddyProc$sRegrRref - Estimation of the time series of... |
sSetLocationInfo | sSetLocationInfo |
usControlUstarEst | usControlUstarEst |
usControlUstarSubsetting | usControlUstarSubsetting |
usCreateSeasonFactorMonth | usCreateSeasonFactorMonth |
usCreateSeasonFactorMonthWithinYear | usCreateSeasonFactorMonthWithinYear |
usCreateSeasonFactorYday | usCreateSeasonFactorYday |
usCreateSeasonFactorYdayYear | usCreateSeasonFactorYdayYear |
usEstUstarThreshold | usEstUstarThreshold - Estimating ustar threshold |
usEstUstarThresholdSingleFw1Binned | usEstUstarThresholdSingleFw1Binned |
usEstUstarThresholdSingleFw2Binned | usEstUstarThresholdSingleFw2Binned |
usGetAnnualSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult | usGetAnnualSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult |
usGetSeaonalSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult | usGetSeaonalSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult |
usGetSeasonalSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult | usGetSeasonalSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult |
usGetValidUstarIndices | usGetValidUstarIndices |
usGetYearOfSeason | usGetYearOfSeason |
whichValueGreaterEqualC | whichValueGreaterEqualC |
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