gtkDfEdit: gtkDfEdit

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/RGtk2DfEdit.R


An RGtk2 spreadsheet package for editing data frames. Improves on base function found in utils


gtkDfEdit(items, = deparse(substitute(items)), 
size.request=c(500, 300), col.width=64, pretty_print=FALSE,
sprintf_format = "%.6G",
dataset.class="data.frame", envir=.GlobalEnv)



The data frame to edit

The name of the data frame object to modify.


The size request for the window.


The column width.


Apply pretty printing of numeric data.


Formatting for numeric data.


Class to coerce data object in global environment to (frame or matrix)


Environment to assign data frame into on editing


gtkDfEdit is an RGtk2 based data frame viewer and editor widget intended to be familiar to spreadsheet users and to form part of larger GUI projects. It provides a way to edit a data frame or matrix (see Notes for a description).

Changes made in the spreadsheet will appear instantly in the data frame.

The "[" method is used for data-frame like extraction from the object.

The "[<-" method is used for assignment to the table.

The $getSelection method returns a list of selected row and column indices.

The $getModel method returns the backing RGtkDataFrame.

The $getDimension method returns the backing data frame dimension.

The $getColumnNames method returns the column names.

The $getRowNames method returns the row names.

The $setColumnName(idx, method sets the column name at a particular index.


A GtkContainer containing the widget.


The editor consists of row names, column names, the main grid of cells, and the left-hand corner cell. You can move around within the grid using the keyboard, the scrollbars, or by clicking and dragging with the mouse.

Navigation Around The Grid

Keyboard navigation uses the familiar arrow or Shift, Shift-Enter, Tab, Shift-Tab, PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl-PgUp, Ctrl-PgDown, Home, End keys. These work when either the grid or the column of row names has the focus.

Pressing a non-navigation key when the row names have focus will cause automatic navigation to the closest match for the row name. The name matching entry dialog will go away after a couple of seconds.

Mouse navigation to a grid location can be done via the scroll bars on the grid or using the scroll wheel.

Editing The Grid

Using non-navigation keys in a selected cell will start editing within the cell. If the column is of factor type, the cell entry will provide the user with an autocompletion containing existing factor levels.

Focusing out of the cell or pressing any navigation key will end the edit. Edited cell entries will be coerced to the column's data type, so alphabetical strings put into numeric columns will turn into a platform-dependent variant of "NA". All character strings are stripped of beginning and end whitespace. Adding a new item to a factor column will automatically update factor levels.

Deleting cells sets their contents to either NA, or "" if the cells are of type character. Deleting cell contents can be done in a number of ways. Deleting a block of selected cells on the grid can be done by selecting them, then pressing the Delete key. The Backspace key deletes the cell the cursor is on ignoring all selections.

Deleting entire rows and columns can be done by selecting the row names or column headers then pressing Delete, or else by right-clicking on the row names or column headers to bring up the context menu then clicking "Clear Contents".

Changes made in the data frame editor are automatically and invisibly updated in the linked R data frame object. However, changes made in the linked data frame object are NOT updated in the grid display.

Ctrl-Z undoes any editing action on the grid. Actions that have side effects on the data, such as coercion, are not fully undoable, which reflects the way R handles these functions.

Editing Row And Column Names

Double clicking row names and column names allows the user to edit them. Typing in the replacement name and pressing Enter, Escape or clicking somewhere else will set the changed row or column name.

Duplicate row names will be turned into unique values by replacing each duplicate with the lowest possible ordinal number.

Editing The Data Frame Object Name

The name of the data frame object is displayed in the top-left corner cell.

Double clicking the top-left corner cell allows the data set to be updated and reassigned when Return is pressed. When editing is finished the data frame in the editor will be written to the new dataset name.

Cell Selection

Active cells or cell selections are indicated with a focus rectangle. Active columns are indicated by a colored highlight. By clicking and dragging with the mouse, you can scroll around the grid in two dimensions and select a rectangular block of cells. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard arrow keys with Shift held down to select a block.

Left-clicking and dragging on a region of cells selects the region and draws a focus rectangle around it. Selections are indicated by highlighted rows, column headers and a drawn focus rectangle. Rows can be selected by focusing on the row name column then doing either mouse or keyboard selection.

The keyboard can also be used for grid selection. Left clicking on column headers or row names selects the columns or rows. Multiple, or ranges of, columns or rows can be selected using the usual Ctrl-Click and Shift-Click combinations.

Macintosh users should use Ctrl-Command-Click instead of Ctrl-Click.

Ctrl-A, or clicking the top-left corner cell, selects all cells on the grid.

Copying And Pasting

Copied and pasted data is in tab-delimited form and can be pasted directly into other spreadsheets or text editors. We use the usual platform specific line separator.

In Linux, the functions xclip and xsel must be available at the command line for copy and paste to work. In Mac, pbcopy and pbpaste are used. In Windows, we use the R functions writeClipboard and readLines.

Ctrl-V pastes cell selections to the clipboard at the selected point into a block defined by the size of the pasted matrix and starting at the top left corner of the top left selected cell. If necessary, this operation will change the dimension of the grid. Pasting automatically coerces data to the type in the column.

Ctrl-C entered while focus is on the grid copies the selected block of cells.

Alternatively these functions can be accessed from the grid right click context menu "Copy" and "Paste".

Copying a cell block into the clipboard will not include row or column names. To include row and column names in the copy operation, select "Copy With Names" from the grid right click context menu.

Copying and pasting rows and columns can be done through the right click context menus over row headers or column headers in the "Copy" and "Paste" commands. Copying from a column will include the column header and copying from a row will include the row header. Pasting on columns will update the column headers.

Copying an entire data frame into the editor can be done through the grid top left corner right click selection menu through the "Paste..." command. This command brings up a global paste dialog which allows the user to choose whether the pasted data has row names and/or column names. When "OK" is pressed the data will be pasted in.

Data Coercion And Special Functions

From the right click context menu on column headers the selected data frame columns' assigned type can be changed. Available data types are Numeric, Integer, Logical, Character, Factor. Factor is a special enumerated data type (also known as a category) which can have its attributes set using the in-built Factor Editor (see below). To coerce a data column, just open this menu and click the desired type.

Factors can be coerced differently; either to the values of their levels or to the integer ordinal value of those levels.

The column context menu function "Set As Row Names" sets the contents of the column as the data frame's row names. The menu function "Shorten Names..." replaces long string names with their unique abbreviations.

Right clicking the top-left corner cell selects all cells and brings up a menu allowing global cut, copy, and paste actions. "Edit Dataset Name" allows the data set name in the R environment to be reassigned. "Default Row Names" sets the row names to their ordinal numbers from 1 to the number of rows. "Default Column Names" sets the column names to the familiar spreadsheet-style defaults.

Coercion can be partially undone via Ctrl-Z, but to reflect R's handling of coercion, coercing between classes that are not interchangable, such as from a character to a numeric variable, is not undoable.

Inserting And Deleting Columns And Rows

Right clicking on row name headers brings up a menu which allows Insert and Delete actions on data columns. "Insert" inserts a blank row before the row clicked. "Delete" deletes the selected row range and is not available when rows are not selected.

Right clicking on column name headers similarly brings up a menu which allows Insert and Delete actions on data columns. "Insert" inserts a blank column before the column clicked. To insert a blank column at the end, click the blank header at the right hand side. "Delete" deletes the selected column(s).

Editing Factors

Right clicking on a column header of a factor column, then selecting "Factor Editor", or right clicking a selected factor column, opens the Factor Editor which allows factor levels, order and contrasts to be set.

The Factor Editor window displays the choice of data frame factor columns, the factor levels of the selected columns, and the contrasts in the "Factor Contrasts" expander. When a column is selected, if it is a factor, its levels are displayed in the "Factor Level Order" frame. The factor levels can be re-ordered, edited, deleted or additional levels added by using the buttons to the right of the level display.

Factors are associated with contrast matrices for use in analysis of variance and regression models. The Factor Editor allows contrasts to be set by opening the "Factor Contrasts" expander frame and selecting the desired contrast type. The default contrast type sets the first ordered level as the control.

It is often desirable to fill in factor levels according to a pattern, for example, in specifying a balanced experimental design. This can be done in two ways. First, highlighting a region of cells then right clicking on a Factor column, pulls up the context menu including three options, "Fill Selected Down" "Randomize Selected", "Fill In Blocks".

"Fill Selected Down" fills all selected cells in the column with the FIRST selected cell.

"Randomize Selected" replaces all selected cells within the column that was clicked with the same contents, in randomized order.

"Fill In Blocks" opens a new window containing a spin button specifying the block size of factor level repeats to fill the selected region. For example, factor levels A, B, C, block size 2, the region is filled down A, A, B, B, C, C, A, A, B, B, C, C, etc. The region will be filled when the spin button is modified or Enter is pressed, and the fill can be cancelled by pressing Cancel. The OK button will cause the changes to be fixed.

The same factor filling options as described above can be accessed directly from the Factor Editor window, which can be called up as described above using "Selected", "Random Fill" and "Fill with Replicates...". In this case, it fills the entire column, not just the highlighted region.

Sorting Data

From the right-click menu on the corner left hand cell or on the columns, the "Sort..." dialog can be opened. This dialog consists of (1) a "Sort Key" Selection frame (2) "Add/Remove Key" frame to add/remove sort keys (3) "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.

Sort operations on the data can be undone via Ctrl-Z.

The "Sort Key" frame contains key choice items consisting of a combo box for key selection, radio buttons for coercion of the key, and radio buttons for choosing the sort direction. Sorting starts with the first key, breaking ties by keys further down the list.

The combo box allows the user to choose the column of the data frame, including the row names, they wish to sort on.

The coercion radio buttons allow the user to sort on the corresponding column by the default xtfrm ranking, or by first coercing to character or numerical form. This can be useful for sorting numeric row names or factors.

The "Ascending" and "Descending" radio buttons choose whether the sort on the corresponding key item is in ascending or descending order.

The "Add/Remove Keys" frame contains a button "Add A Key" allowing the user to add another key choice item to the "Sort Key" frame and a button "Remove A Key" to remove the last key choice item in the frame. There is no limit to the number of keys that can be sorted.

Finally the "OK" button initiates the data frame sort and the Cancel button closes the dialog.


Tom Taverner <>, with contributions from John Verzani

See Also



  win <- gtkWindowNew()
  obj <- gtkDfEdit(iris)

RGtk2Extras documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.