subsetCorpusByTermsDlg: Subset Corpus by Terms

Description Details See Also


Create a subset of the corpus by retaining only the documents which contain (or not) specified terms.


This operation will restrict the corpus, document-term matrix and the “corpusVars” data set so that they only contain documents with at least the chosen number of occurrences of at least one term from the first list (occurrences are for each term separately), and with less than the chosen number of occurrences of each of the terms from the second list. Both conditions must be fulfilled for a document to be retained. Previously run analyses like correspondence analysis or hierarchical clustering are removed to prevent confusion.

If you choose to save the original corpus, you will be able to restore it later from the Text mining -> Subset corpus -> Restore original corpus menu. Warning: checking this option will erase an existing backup if present. Like subsetting, restoring the original corpus removes existing correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering objects.

If you specify both terms that should and terms that should not be present, or if all documents contain a term that should be excluded, it is possible that no document matches this condition, in which case an error is produced before subsetting the corpus.

See Also

setCorpusVariables, meta, DocumentTermMatrix

RcmdrPlugin.temis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.