varCrossTableDlg: Two-way table of corpus meta-data variables

Description Details See Also


Build a two-way contingency table from a corpus's meta-data variables, optionally plotting the result.


This dialog provides a simple way of computing frequencies from a single meta-data variable of a tm corpus. It is merely a wrapper around different steps available from the Statistics and Plot menus, but operating on the corpus meta-data instead of the active data set.

Plots are grouped according to the variable over which percentages are built (the first one for row percent, the second one for column percent), or according to the first variable if absolute counts are plotted. Thus, one can tweak grouping by changing either the order of the variables, or the type of computed percent.

See Also

setCorpusVariables, meta, table, barchart

RcmdrPlugin.temis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.