Man pages for ReplicationSuccess
Design and Analysis of Replication Studies

ci2estimateTransforms confidence intervals to parameter estimates
ci2pTransforms confidence intervals to p-values.
ci2seTransforms confidence intervals to standard errors.
ci2zTransforms confidence intervals to z-values.
effectSizeReplicationSuccessComputes the minimum relative effect size to achieve...
effectSizeSignificanceComputes the minimum relative effect size to achieve...
hMeanChiSqComputes the p-value from the harmonic mean chi-squared test
hMeanChiSqCIComputes a confidence interval by inverting the harmonic mean...
hMeanChiSqMuComputes the p-value from the harmonic mean chi-squared test
levelScepticalComputes the level for the sceptical p-value
p2zTransforms p-values to z-values
pBoxComputes Box's tail probability
pIntrinsicComputes the p-value for intrinsic credibility
powerReplicationSuccessComputes the power for replication success
powerSignificanceComputes the power for significance
powerSignificanceInterimInterim power of a replication study
PPpScepticalCompute project power of the sceptical p-value
predictionIntervalPrediction interval for effect estimate of replication study
pReplicateProbability of replicating an effect of Killeen (2005)
pScepticalComputes the sceptical p-value
pvalueBoundComputes bound for the p-values entering the harmonic mean...
RProjectsData from four large-scale replication projects.
sampleSizeReplicationSuccessComputes the required relative sample size to achieve...
sampleSizeSignificanceComputes the required relative sample size to achieve...
SSRPData from the Social Sciences Replication Project (SSRP)
T1EpScepticalCompute type-I error rate of the sceptical p-value
thresholdIntrinsicComputes the threshold for intrinsic credibility
z2pTransforms z-values to p-values
zScepticalComputes the test statistic of the sceptical p-value
ReplicationSuccess documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 3 p.m.