Man pages for Vdgraph
Variance dispersion graphs and Fraction of design space plots for response surface designs

Compare2FDSThis function compares Fraction of Design Space Plots for two...
Compare2Vdgthis function compares Variance Dispersion Graph of two...
D310Roquemore (1976) Hybrid design D310
D311ARoquemore (1976) Hybrid design 311A
D311BRoquemore (1976) Hybrid design D311B
D416ARoquemore (1976) Hybrid design 416A
D416BRoquemore (1976) Hybrid design D416B
D416CRoquemore (1976) Hybrid design D416C
D628ARoquemore (1976) Hybrid design D628A
fCalculate column means of design
FDSPlotThis function makes a Fraction of Design Space Plot of a...
Hex2Hexagonal design for two factors
mxCalculate column maximums of design
SCDDL5Draper and Lin's Small Composite Design for five factors
SCDH2Hartley's Small Composite Design for two factors
SCDH3Hartley's Small Composite Design for three factors
SCDH4Hartley's Small Composite Design for four factors
SCDH5Hartley's Small Composite Design for five factors
SCDH6Hartley's Small Composite Design for six factors
VardsgrLoads compiled fortran in shared file vdg
Vdgraphthis function makes a Variance Dispersion Graph of a response...
Vdgraph-packageThis package creates variance dispersion graphs and fraction...
Vdgraph documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:58 p.m.