
## Author: Daniel Sabanes Bove [daniel *.* sabanesbove *a*t* ifspm *.* uzh *.* ch]
## Project: Bayesian FPs
## Time-stamp: <[getLogPrior.R] by DSB Mon 17/01/2011 15:37 (CET)>
## Description:
## Extract log prior from a model.
## History:
## 04/07/2008   copy from thesis function collection.
## 29/11/2008   update for new model prior option
## 14/01/2011   update for model prior "dependent"

getLogPrior <- function (x       # a valid BayesMfp-Object of length 1 (otherwise only first element recognized)
    ## only take the first model
    x <- x[1]
    ## extract components
    ats <- attributes(x)   
    mp <- ats$priorSpecs$modelPrior
    powers <- x[[1]]$powers
    ucTerms <- x[[1]]$ucTerms
    ## depending on prior type, calculate the log prior value.
    if(identical(mp, "sparse"))
        maxs <- ats$shiftScaleMax[, 3]
        cards <- ats$shiftScaleMax[, 4]

        logVals <- numeric(length=length(powers))
        for (i in seq_along (powers))
            deg <- length (powers[[i]])
            logVals[i] <- - lchoose(cards[i] - 1 + deg, deg) - log1p(maxs[i])

        return (sum (logVals) - max (ats$indices$uc) * log (2))
    else if(identical(mp, "dependent")) ## new (as of January 2011)
        ## determine number of all covariates (covariate groups):
        nCovs <- length(ats$indices$ucList) + length(ats$indices$bfp)

        ## determine number of included covariates (covariate groups):
        fpDegrees <- sapply(powers, length)
        isIncludedFp <- fpDegrees > 0L
        nInclContinuous <- sum(isIncludedFp)
        nInclDiscrete <- length(ucTerms)
        nIncluded <- nInclContinuous + nInclDiscrete

        ## determine number of nonlinear covariates:
        isLinearFp <- sapply(powers,
        isNonlinearFp <- isIncludedFp & (! isLinearFp)
        nNonlinear <- sum(isNonlinearFp)

        ## and determine number of possible nonlinear transformations
        ## for each continuous covariate
        nPossibleNonlinearTransforms <-
            if(nNonlinear == 0L)
                sapply(ats$shiftScaleMax[isNonlinearFp, "maxDegree"],
                       getNumberPossibleFps) - 2L # subtract degree 0
                                        # and linear degree 1
        ## so the final result is:
        return(- log1p(nCovs) - lchoose(nCovs, nIncluded) -
               log1p(nInclContinuous) - lchoose(nInclContinuous, nNonlinear) -
    else ## flat
        return(- max (ats$indices$uc) * log (2))

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