Man pages for biostatUZH
Misc Tools of the Department of Biostatistics, EBPI, University of Zurich

biostatUZH-packageMisc Tools of the Department of Biostatistics, EBPI,...
BlandAltmanBland-Altman plot to assess agreement between two continuous...
computeICCraterCompute intraclass correlation coefficients ICC(2, 1) and...
confIntAUCCompute confidence interval for AUC
confIntAUCbinormFunction to compute ROC curve and (bootstrap) confidence...
confIntDiagnosticCompute confidence intervals for operating characteristics of...
confIntFisherTrafoConfidence interval for correlation coefficient using...
confIntICCConfidence intervals for intraclass correlation in interrater...
confIntIndependentAUCDiffComputes confidence interval for the difference in AUC based...
confIntIndependentDiagnosticCompute confidence intervals for the comparison of two...
confIntIndependentProportionCompute confidence interval for the risk difference of two...
confIntKappaConfidence intervals for weighted kappa and m >= 2 raters
confIntKM_t0Compute confidence interval for a survival curve at a fixed...
confIntMedianCompute exact confidence interval for median of a sample...
confIntPairedAUCDiffComputes confidence interval for the difference in AUC based...
confIntPairedDiagnosticCompute confidence intervals for the comparison of two...
confIntPairedProportionCompute confidence interval for the difference of paired...
confIntProportionCompute confidence interval for a binomial proportion via...
confIntRiskDiffCompute confidence interval for a risk difference
confIntRiskRatioCompute confidence interval for a risk ratio
ConvertWeibullTransformation of survreg output for the Weibull distribution
fischdatenData of the 'Fischstudie'
formatCIFormat (Confidence) Intervals
formatPercentFormat a Numeric Proportion
formatPvalFormat p-Values
larynxSurvival Times of Larynx Cancer Patients
logitLogit and inverse-logit function
mantelCoxHRMantel-Cox estimator of the hazard ratio
mantelHaenszelCochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for Count Data
plotcorrCompact Visualization of a Correlation Matrix
populationSamplePlotPlot that shows population and sample drawn from it
printResultsConfidence interval for a given effect
quantileCumIncCompute arbitrary quantile of a Cumulative Incidence estimate
quantileKMCompute arbitrary quantile of a Kaplan-Meier estimate of a...
sampleSizeMcNemarCompute sample size for McNemar test
sampleSizePhase2BinaryTestCompute sample size for a Phase 2 study of a binary test
sampleSizeWilcoxTwoSampleCompute sample size for two sample Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney)...
standardErrorAUCStandard Error of AUC
standardErrorAUCDiffStandard Error of a AUC difference
summaryROCFunction to compute ROC curve and an asymptotic confidence...
survrepSurvival Analysis Results for Reports
tableORResults table with odds ratios from logistic regression...
tableRegressionFormat Coefficient Tables of Regression Models
WeibullDiagDiagnostic Plot of Adequacy of Weibull Distribution
WeibullRegWeibull Regression for Survival Data
wiedat2bData of two pancreatic Ca biomarkers
biostatUZH documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:06 p.m.