opts_chunk$set(out.extra='style="display:block; margin: auto"'
    #, fig.align="center"
    , fig.width=4.6, fig.height=3.2
    #, fig.width=6.3, fig.height=3.9 #goldener Schnitt 1.6
    , dev.args=list(pointsize=10)
    , dev=c('png','pdf')
knit_hooks$set(spar = function(before, options, envir) {
    if (before){
        par( las=1 )                   #also y axis labels horizontal
        par(mar=c(2.0,3.3,0,0)+0.3 )  #margins
        par(tck=0.02 )                          #axe-tick length inside plots             
        par(mgp=c(1.1,0.2,0) )  #positioning of axis title, axis labels, axis

Basic example of modelling model discrepancy by a Gaussian Process (GP)

Plotting different realizations of model error by a simple example.

#isDevelopMode <- TRUE
if(!exists("isDevelopMode")) library(blockDemac)
baseSize=10         # font for ggplot
set.seed(0816)      # for reproducible results

The example model and data

The process to model is a simple relationship of one output dependent on one input, y = f(x). The model is a linear regression, but the real process adds an additional periodic component.

modLin <- function(
        theta           ##<< model parameters a and b
        , x             ##<< numeric vector of covariates
     as.numeric(theta[1] + theta[2]*x)

sdObs <- sdObsTrue <- 1

predictProcess <- function(
        theta          ##<< model parameters a and b
        ,x             ##<< numeric vector of covariates

set.seed(0816)      # for reproducible results
x <- seq(-0.75*pi, 4.75*pi, length.out=101)
xPred <- pi*c(1.5,2,2.5)
thetaTrue <- c(a=0,b=0)
obsTrue <- predictProcess(theta=thetaTrue, x=x) 
obs <- obsTrue  + rnorm(length(x), sd=sdObsTrue)

lmSimple <- lm(obs ~ x)
lmAutoCorr <- gls( obs ~ x, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1))

ds <- data.frame(x=x, obsTrue=obsTrue, obs=obs, pred=fitted(lmSimple), pred2=fitted(lmAutoCorr))
ggplot(ds, aes(x=x, y=obs)) + 
    geom_point(col="#FF8175") +
    #geom_line(aes(y=obsTrue), col="lightgrey") +
    geom_line(aes(y=pred), col="darkblue", size=1) +
    #geom_line(aes(y=pred2), col="lightblue") +

theta0 <- structure(coef(lmAutoCorr), names=c("a","b"))
covarTheta0 <- diag( (theta0*0.2)^2 )    

For this simple model, the requisites for simple linear regression is violated and the correlation of residuals needs to be taken into account, in order not overestimate the precision of the model coefficients.

Also a general model inversion setting must account for model discrepancy.

Generating model predictions

Sampling of model discrepancies requires model predictions for current parameters. Therefore, one intermediate result of model predictions is set up for each data stream.

    predSpec <- intermediateSpec(
            function(theta, intermediates, xVal ){
                modLin(theta, x=xVal) 
            ,parameters = c("a","b")
            ,intermediates = character(0)  
    pred0 <- getUpdateFunction(predSpec)( theta0, list(), c(x,xPred) )

First we sample parameters without accounting for model discrepancy. Note that the logDensity depends on the intermediates of the predictions.

logDenTheta <- function( theta, intermediates, logDensityComponents
    ,x, obs, sdObs, ...
    misfit1 <- obs - intermediates[["pred"]][seq_along(x)]
    structure( -1/2 * c(sum((misfit1/sdObs)^2)), names=c('y') )
resLogDenTheta0 <- logDenTheta( theta0, list(pred=pred0)
    , x=x, obs=obs, sdObs=sdObs )

bTheta0Spec <- blockSpec(c("a","b"),,    
                argsFLogDensity=list( x=x, obs=obs, sdObs=sdObs),
                logDensityComponentNames = names(resLogDenTheta0)

sampler <- newPopulationSampler( list(bTheta=bTheta0Spec), theta0, covarTheta0
, nPopulation=1L
samplerNoMd <- sampler <- setupAndSample(sampler, nSample=80L)
sampleLogs <- subsetTail(getSampleLogs(sampler), 0.8)
#plot( asMcmc(sampleLogs), smooth=FALSE )

stacked <- stackChainsInPopulation(subsetTail(getSampleLogs(sampler),0.8))
sample1 <- sampleNoMd <- t(getParametersForPopulation(stacked, 1L)[,,1L])
thetaNoMd <- colMeans(sample1)
apply(sample1, 2, quantile, probs=c(0.025,0.975))

Model discrepancy sampling with GP

Function compileDiscrepancyBlocksForStream sets up additional intermediates and blocks for sampling the model discrepancies by a Gaussian process. Besides, the locations x, observations, and its uncertainties, it required an intermediate of model predictions, predProcSpec. In the following those are set up for each stream. Their names are distinguished by argument streamSuffix.

In addition, the function requires specification of parameters of the prior knowledge of the hyperparameters of the Gaussian process. The parameter vector to sample is extended by two parameters for each stream. The first hyperparameter is the logarithm of correlation length logPsi. It is larger for higher correlated model discrepancies. The logarithm of signal variance logSd2Discr, expressed as a factor of observation variance, is larger for larger model discrepancies.

blockMdObs1 <- compileDiscrepancyBlocksForStream(x=x, obs=obs, sd2Obs=sdObs^2
    , predProcSpec = list(pred=predSpec), streamSuffix="obs1", xPred=xPred
    ,priorGammaPsiPars = getGammaParsFromMeanAndVariance(0.8,0.2)
    #,sd2ObsFactor=1/3   # to prevent discrepancy variance going to zero

namesPred <- c(blockMdObs1$namesProcessSamples )
thetaPred <- structure( rep(1,length(namesPred)), names=namesPred)
theta0Md <- c(thetaNoMd, logSd2Discr_obs1=0.5, logPsi_obs1=log(2), thetaPred)
covarTheta0Md <- diag((0.2*theta0Md)^2)

The observations are modelled as the sum of model prediction and model discrepancy and observation uncertainty: $obs = m(\theta) + \delta + \epsilon$.

The sampling of the model parameters, now also depends on the model discrepancies at all observations. They are provided with list entry "deltaA" of intermediate "deltaA". Resampling takes place whenever predictions or a hyperparameter of the Gaussian Process changes. This includes the resampling on specification of a new proposal of model parameters.

In addition to the model discrepancies, the prior probability of the magnitude of these discrepancies is provided. Hence, proposed parameters can be rejected when the corresponding model discrepancies are too high.

The Likelihood hood function of model parameters $\theta$ is modified as follows.

logDenThetaMd <- function( theta, intermediates, logDensityComponents
    ,x, obs, sdObs
    , priorDiscrFac=length(x)/2
    , ...
    deltaObs1 <- intermediates[["deltaA_obs1"]]$deltaA
    misfit1 <- obs - (intermediates[["pred"]][seq_along(x)] + deltaObs1)
    logPriorSd2DiscrObs1 <- tmp <- priorDiscrFac*intermediates$deltaA_obs1$logPriorInvGammaSd2Discr 
    #logPriorSd2DiscrObs1 <- intermediates[["deltaA_obs1"]]$LogSqrtDetCovDelta  
    logPriorSd2DiscrObs1 <- intermediates[["deltaA_obs1"]]$logPDeltaO
    logPObs <- -1/2*c(sum((misfit1/sdObs)^2))
#if( logPObs < -200 ) recover()    
    res <- c(
     structure(logPObs, names=c('y1') )

.tmp.f <- function(){
    # cod for inspection while tracing logDenThetaMd
    plot(obs ~ x)
    points((intermediates[["predSparse"]][seq_along(xSparse)]) ~ xSparse, col="blue")
    points((intermediates[["predSparse"]][seq_along(xSparse)] + deltaObs1) ~ xSparse, col="orange")
    (intermediates[["predSparse"]][seq_along(xSparse)] + deltaObs1)

resLogDenThetaMd0 <- logDenThetaMd( theta0Md, list(pred=pred0
    , deltaA_obs1=list(deltaA=0, logPriorInvGammaSd2Discr=-2, logPDeltaO=-2))
    , x=x, obs=obs, sdObs=sdObs, priorDiscrFac=length(x) )

bThetaMdSpec <- blockSpec(
            fLogDensity=function(...){ logDenThetaMd(...) },    # allows tracing
            argsFLogDensity=list( x=x, obs=obs, sdObs=sdObs
                #, priorDiscrFac = length(x)
                , priorDiscrFac = length(x)*1/2
            ,logDensityComponentNames = names(resLogDenThetaMd0)

cSubSpace <- blockMdObs1$fConstrainingSubSpace( 
    blockMdObs1$fConstrainingSubSpace(new("SubSpace")) )
# know that correlation length is in the magnitude of the locations    
cSubSpace@upperParBounds["logPsi_obs1"] <- log(pi/2)      

sampler <- newPopulationSampler( 
    , theta0Md, covarTheta0Md
    , nPopulation=1L   #, nChainInPopulation=5L
    ,intermediateSpecifications=c( blockMdObs1$intermediateSpecs)
sampler <- setupAndSample(sampler, nSample=60L)
samplerMd <- sampler <- setupAndSample(sampler, nSample=60L)
sampleLogs <- getSampleLogs(sampler)
plot( asMcmc(sampleLogs), smooth=FALSE )

logTail <- subsetTail(getSampleLogs(sampler),0.4)
stacked <- stackChainsInPopulation(logTail)
sample1 <- sampleMd <- t(getParametersForPopulation(stacked, 1L)[,,1L])

thetaMd <- colMeans(sample1)[1:2]
apply(sample1[,1:2], 2, quantile, probs=c(0.025,0.975))

#aL <- (getAcceptanceTracker(sampler)@acceptanceLog["logDenLogPsi_obs1",,])
#matplot(aL, type="l")

Further graphs

Predictive posterior: orange are the samples of the process (model + discrepancy).

    ss <- sampleMd
    doSamplePred <- function(ss, scenario="ignore", nSample=480 ){
        iRows <-, nSample, replace=TRUE)
        tmp <- apply( ss[iRows,1:2], 1, function(theta){
            predMod <- modLin( theta, x=x )
        stat <- t(apply(tmp,1,quantile,probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), names=FALSE))
        colnames(stat) <- c("lower","median","upper")
        res <- cbind( data.frame( scenario=scenario
            , x =x
            , obs = obs
    samplePost <- rbind( doSamplePred(sampleNoMd,"ignore"),doSamplePred(sampleMd,"GP"))    

  doSamplePredProc <- function(ss, scenario="GP"){
        tmp <- ss[,grep("^ksi_",colnames(ss))]
        stat <- t(apply(tmp,2,quantile,probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), names=FALSE))
        colnames(stat) <- c("lower","median","upper")
        res <- cbind( data.frame( scenario=scenario
            , x =xPred
    samplePostProc <- rbind( doSamplePredProc(sampleMd,"GP"))    
g1 <- ggplot( samplePost, aes(x=x ) ) +
        geom_point(aes(y=obs), col="grey50") +  
        #facet_wrap(~scenario, scales="free", ncol=2) +
        facet_grid(.~scenario, scales="fixed") +  
        geom_line(aes(y=median)) + 
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), fill="blue", alpha=0.4) +
        geom_point(data=samplePostProc, aes(y=median), col="orange") +
        geom_errorbar(data=samplePostProc, aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), width=0.5, col="orange") +  
        ylab("y") +

Plotting several realizations of random error

genenrateGPSamples <- function(nSampleMD, psi, sd2Discr, iO, deltaOZ, sd2Obs, x){
    deltaOTraining <- deltaOZ #(deltaOZ)*sd2Discr/(sd2Discr+mean(sd2Obs)) 
    if( length(sd2Obs) == 1L ) sd2Obs <- rep(sd2Obs, length(x))
    nO <- length(iO)
    xO <- x[iO]
    KOO <- sd2Discr * outer(xO, xO, .corG, psi=psi)
    KRO <- sd2Discr * outer(x[-iO], xO, .corG, psi=psi)
    Ky <- KOO + diag(length(xO))*sd2Obs[iO]
    KySolved <- solve(Ky, cbind(deltaOTraining, KOO )) 
    deltaOMu <- as.vector(KOO %*% KySolved[,1])  
    deltaOCov <- KOO - KOO %*% KySolved[,1+1:nO]
    deltaOCovSymm <- (deltaOCov + t(deltaOCov)) / 2
    deltaO <- cbind( as.vector(deltaOMu), t(rmvnorm(nSampleMD, deltaOMu, deltaOCovSymm)))  # include the expected value
    deltaA <- matrix(NA_real_, length(x), nSampleMD+1L)  
    deltaA[iO,] <- deltaO 
    tmp <- t(aaply(deltaO, 2, function(deltaOi){
       deltaRMu <- KRO %*% solve(KOO, deltaOi)
    deltaA[-iO,] <- tmp # KRO %*% solve(Ky, deltaO) 
    ##value<< numeric matrix (nX, nSampleMD) with each column a GP-sample
      sampleMdLargePsi <- subset(
            #, logPsi_obs1 > 0 & logPsi_obs1 < 0.1 
            , logPsi_obs1 > -1 & logPsi_obs1 < 2 
          & logSd2Discr_obs1 > 0.7 & logSd2Discr_obs1 < 0.9
      thetaAndPsi <- cbind(
      #iO <- round(seq(1,length(x),length.out=8))
      psi0 <- mean(exp(thetaAndPsi[,"logPsi_obs1"]))
      #trace(.computeGPTrainingLocations,recover) #untrace(.computeGPTrainingLocations)
      iORes <- .computeGPTrainingLocations( psi0, x
        , minXSpacing = diff(range(x))/length(x)*2
        , maxXSpacing = diff(range(x))
      iO <- iORes$iO
      isO <- logical(length(x)); isO[iO] <- TRUE
      dsTheta <- thetaAndPsi[1,, drop=FALSE]
      #ds <- ddply( thetaAndPsi, c(.(sd2Discr),.(psi)), function(dsTheta){
      ds <- ddply( thetaAndPsi, c(.(scenario)), function(dsTheta){
        pred <- modLin(unlist(dsTheta[1,1:2]), x=x)
        deltaA <- genenrateGPSamples(nSampleMD
            #,dsTheta$psi[1], dsTheta$sd2Discr[1]
            ,exp(dsTheta$logPsi_obs1[1]), exp(dsTheta$logSd2Discr_obs1[1])
            ,iO, obs[iO]-pred[iO], sd2Obs=(sdObs*1.0)^2, x )
        data.frame(x=x, obs=obs, isO=isO, yMod=pred, md=as.vector(deltaA), repl=rep(as.factor(1:(nSampleMD+1)), each=length(x)) )
g1 <- ggplot( ds, aes(x=x, linetype=repl ) ) +
        geom_point(aes(y=obs, col=isO, shape=isO), alpha=0.4) +  
        #facet_wrap(~scenario, scales="free", nrow=2) +
        facet_grid(scenario~., scales="fixed") +  
        #facet_grid(sd2Discr~psi, scales="fixed") +  
        geom_line(aes(y=yMod), size=0.5, col="darkblue") + 
        geom_line(aes(y=yMod+md)) + 
        ylab("y") +
        theme_bw(base_size=baseSize) +
         theme(legend.position = "none") 

g1 <- ggplot(, aes(x=logPsi_obs1 ) ) +
        geom_density() + 
        theme_bw(base_size=baseSize) +
         theme(legend.position = "none") 

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blockDemac documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:52 p.m.