
## #' Power stress minimization by NEWUOA (nloptr)
## #'
## #' An implementation to minimize power stress by a derivative-free trust region optimization algorithm (NEWUOA). Much faster than majorizing as used in powerStressMin but perhaps less accurate. 
## #' 
## #' @param delta dist object or a symmetric, numeric data.frame or matrix of distances
## #' @param kappa power of the transformation of the fitted distances; defaults to 1
## #' @param lambda the power of the transformation of the proximities; defaults to 1
## #' @param nu the power of the transformation for weightmat; defaults to 1 
## #' @param weightmat a matrix of finite weights
## #' @param init starting configuration
## #' @param ndim dimension of the configuration; defaults to 2
## #' @param acc  The smallest value of the trust region radius that is allowed. If not defined, then 1e-6 will be used.
## #' @param itmax maximum number of iterations. Default is 10000.
## #' @param verbose should iteration output be printed; if > 1 then yes
## #'
## #' @return a smacofP object (inheriting form smacofB, see \code{\link{smacofSym}}). It is a list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item delta: Observed dissimilarities, not normalized
## #' \item obsdiss: Observed dissimilarities, normalized 
## #' \item confdist: Configuration dissimilarities, NOT normalized 
## #' \item conf: Matrix of fitted configuration, NOT normalized
## #' \item stress: Default stress (stress 1, square root of the explicitly normalized stress on the normalized, transformed dissimilarities)  
## #' \item spp: Stress per point (based on stress.en) 
## #' \item ndim: Number of dimensions
## #' \item model: Name of smacof model
## #' \item niter: Number of iterations
## #' \item nobj: Number of objects
## #' \item type: Type of MDS model
## #' }
## #' and some additional components
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item gamma: Empty
## #' \item stress.m: default stress for the COPS and STOP. Defaults to the explicitly normalized stress on the normalized, transformed dissimilarities
## #' \item stress.en: explicitly stress on the normalized, transformed dissimilarities and normalized transformed distances
## #' \item deltaorig: observed, untransformed dissimilarities
## #' \item weightmat: weighting matrix 
## #'}
## #'
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #' @importFrom minqa newuoa
## #' 
## #' @seealso \code{\link{smacofSym}}
## #' 
## #' @examples
## #' dis<-smacof::kinshipdelta
## #' res<-powerStressFast(as.matrix(dis),kappa=2,lambda=1.5)
## #' res
## #' summary(res)
## #' plot(res)
## #' 
## #' @export
## powerStressFast <- function (delta, kappa=1, lambda=1, nu=1, weightmat=1-diag(nrow(delta)), init=NULL, ndim = 2, acc = 1e-6, itmax = 10000, verbose = FALSE)
## {
##     if(inherits(delta,"dist") || is.data.frame(delta)) delta <- as.matrix(delta)
##     if(!isSymmetric(delta)) stop("Delta is not symmetric.\n")
##     if(verbose>0) cat("Minimizing powerstress by NEWUOA with kappa=",kappa,"lambda=",lambda,"nu=",nu,"\n")
##     type <- "ratio"
##     r <- kappa/2
##     p <- ndim
##     deltaorig <- delta
##     delta <- delta^lambda
##     weightmato <- weightmat
##     weightmat <- weightmat^nu
##     weightmat[!is.finite(weightmat)] <- 1 #new
##     deltaold <- delta
##     delta <- delta / enorm (delta, weightmat) #sum=1
##     xold <- init
##     if(is.null(init)) xold <- smacof::torgerson (delta, p = ndim)
##     xold <- xold/enorm(xold) 
##     stressf <- function(x,delta,r,ndim,weightmat)
##            {
##              if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=ndim)
##              delta <- delta/enorm(delta,weightmat)
##              x <- x/enorm(x)
##              #adapted from powerStressMin 
##              dnew <- sqdist (x)
##              rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
##              nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew,  2*r))
##              anew <- rnew / nnew
##              snew <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
##              snew
##            }
##      suppressWarnings(optimized <- minqa::newuoa(xold,function(par) stressf(par,delta=delta,r=r,ndim=ndim,weightmat=weightmat),control=list(maxfun=itmax,rhoend=acc,iprint=verbose-2)))
##       xnew <- matrix(optimized$par,ncol=ndim)
##       xnew <- xnew/enorm(xnew)
##              #adapted from powerStressMin 
##       dnew <- sqdist (xnew)
##       rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
##       nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew,  2*r))
##       anew <- rnew / nnew
##       stress <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
##      #xnew <- optimized$par
##       attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[1]] <- rownames(delta)
##       itel <- optimized$feval
##       attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[2]] <- paste("D",1:ndim,sep="")
##       doutm <- (2*sqrt(sqdist(xnew)))^kappa  #fitted powered euclidean distance but times two
##       deltam <- delta
##       deltaorigm <- deltaorig
##       deltaoldm <- deltaold
##       delta <- stats::as.dist(delta)
##       deltaorig <- stats::as.dist(deltaorig)
##       deltaold <- stats::as.dist(deltaold)
##       doute <- doutm/enorm(doutm)
##       doute <- stats::as.dist(doute)
##       dout <- stats::as.dist(doutm)
##       resmat <- as.matrix(delta - doute)^2
##       spp <- colMeans(resmat)
##       weightmatm <-weightmat
##       weightmat <- stats::as.dist(weightmatm)
##       stressen <- sum(weightmat*(doute-delta)^2) #raw stress on the normalized proximities and normalized distances 
##       if(verbose>1) cat("*** stress (both normalized - for COPS/STOPS):",stress,"; stress 1 (both normalized - default reported):",sqrt(stress),"; stress manual (for debug only):",stressen,"; from optimization: ",optimized$fval,"\n")   
##     out <- list(delta=deltaold, obsdiss=delta, confdist=dout, conf = xnew, pars=c(kappa,lambda,nu), niter = itel, stress=stress, spp=spp, ndim=p, model="Power-Stress NEWUOA", call=match.call(), nobj = dim(xnew)[1], type = type, gamma = NA, stress.m=sqrt(stress), stress.en=stressen, deltaorig=as.dist(deltaorig),resmat=resmat,weightmat=weightmat)
##     class(out) <- c("smacofP","smacofB","smacof")
##     out
## }

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