
## # #' Torgerson scaling
## # #'
## # #' @param delta symmetric, numeric matrix of distances
## # #' @param p target space dimensions
## # #' @return a n x p matrix (the configuration)
## # #' @export
## # #' @examples
## # #' dis<-as.matrix(smacof::kinshipdelta)
## # #' res<-torgerson(dis)
## #torgerson <- function(delta, p = 2) {
## #    z <- eigen(-doubleCenter((as.matrix (delta) ^ 2)/2))
## #    v <- pmax(z$values,0)
## #    return(z$vectors[,1:p]%*%diag(sqrt(v[1:p])))
## #}

## #' Power Stress SMACOF
## #'
## #' An implementation to minimize power stress by majorization with ratio or interval optimal scaling. Usually more accurate but slower than powerStressFast. Uses a repeat loop.
## #' 
## #' @param delta dist object or a symmetric, numeric data.frame or matrix of distances
## #' @param kappa power of the transformation of the fitted distances; defaults to 1
## #' @param lambda the power of the transformation of the proximities; defaults to 1
## #' @param nu the power of the transformation for weightmat; defaults to 1
## #' @param type what type of MDS to fit. One of "ratio" or "interval". Default is "ratio".
## #' @param weightmat a matrix of finite weights
## #' @param init starting configuration
## #' @param ndim dimension of the configuration; defaults to 2
## #' @param acc numeric accuracy of the iteration. Default is 1e-6.
## #' @param itmax maximum number of iterations. Default is 10000.
## #' @param verbose should iteration output be printed; if > 1 then yes
## #' @param principal If ‘TRUE’, principal axis transformation is applied to the final configuration
## #'
## #' @return a smacofP object (inheriting form smacofB, see \code{\link{smacofSym}}). It is a list with the components
## #' \itemize{
## #' \item delta: Observed, untransformed dissimilarities
## #' \item tdelta: Observed explicitly transformed dissimilarities, normalized
## #' \item dhat: Explicitly transformed dissimilarities (dhats), optimally scaled and normalized 
## #' \item confdist: Configuration dissimilarities
## #' \item conf: Matrix of fitted configuration
## #' \item stress: Default stress  (stress 1; sqrt of explicitly normalized stress)
## #' \item spp: Stress per point 
## #' \item ndim: Number of dimensions
## #' \item model: Name of smacof model
## #' \item niter: Number of iterations
## #' \item nobj: Number of objects
## #' \item type: Type of MDS model 
## #' \item weightmat: weighting matrix as supplied 
## #' \item stress.m: Default stress (stress-1^2)
## #' \item tweightmat: transformed weighthingmatrix (here weightmat^nu)
## #' }
## #'
## #' @section Note:
## #' The functionality related to power stress and the smacofP class is also available in the stops package (\code{\link[stops]{powerStressMin}}). Expect masking when both are loaded.   
## #'
## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## #' @importFrom smacofx spp
## #' 
## #' @seealso \code{\link{smacofSym}}
## #' 
## #' @examples
## #' dis<-smacof::kinshipdelta
## #' res<-powerStressMin(as.matrix(dis),kappa=2,lambda=1.5,itmax=1000)
## #' res
## #' summary(res)
## #' plot(res)
## #' 
## #' @export
## powerStressMin <- function (delta, kappa=1, lambda=1, nu=1,  type="ratio", weightmat=1-diag(nrow(delta)), init=NULL, ndim = 2, acc= 1e-6, itmax = 10000, verbose = FALSE, principal=FALSE) {
##     if(inherits(delta,"dist") || is.data.frame(delta)) delta <- as.matrix(delta)
##     if(!isSymmetric(delta)) stop("Delta is not symmetric.\n")
##     if(inherits(weightmat,"dist") || is.data.frame(weightmat)) weightmat <- as.matrix(weightmat)
##     if(!isSymmetric(weightmat)) stop("weightmat is not symmetric.\n")
##     type <- match.arg(type, c("ratio", "interval",several.ok = FALSE)) 
##     trans <- type
##     typo <- type
##     if (trans=="ratio"){
##     trans <- "none"
##     }
##     if(verbose>0) cat("Minimizing",type,"power-stress with kappa=",kappa,"lambda=",lambda,"nu=",nu,"\n")

##     n <- nrow (delta)
##     r <- kappa/2
##     p <- ndim
##     if (p > (n - 1)) stop("Maximum number of dimensions is n-1!")
##     if(is.null(rownames(delta))) rownames(delta) <- 1:n
##     labos <- rownames(delta) #labels
##     deltaorig <- delta
##     delta <- delta^lambda
##     weightmato <- weightmat
##     weightmat <- weightmat^nu
##     weightmat[!is.finite(weightmat)] <- 0
##     delta <- delta / enorm (delta, weightmat)
##     disobj <- smacof::transPrep(as.dist(delta), trans = trans, spline.intKnots = 2, spline.degree = 2)
##     deltaold <- delta
##     itel <- 1
##     xold <- init
##     if(is.null(init)) xold <- smacof::torgerson (delta, p = p)
##     xstart <- xold
##     xold <- xold / enorm (xold)
##     n <- nrow (xold)
##     nn <- diag (n)
##     dold <- sqdist (xold)
##     #Optimal scaling
##     eold <- as.dist(sqrt(dold))
##     dhat <- smacof::transform(eold, disobj, w = as.dist(weightmat), normq = 0.5)
##     dhatt <- dhat$res 
##     dhatd <- structure(dhatt, Size = n, call = quote(as.dist.default(m=b)), class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE)
##     delta <- as.matrix(dhatd)
##     rold <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dold, r))
##     nold <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dold, 2 * r))
##     aold <- rold / nold
##     sold <- 1 - 2 * aold * rold + (aold ^ 2) * nold
##     #Optimizing
##     repeat {
##       p1 <- mkPower (dold, r - 1)
##       p2 <- mkPower (dold, (2 * r) - 1)
##       by <- mkBmat (weightmat * delta * p1)
##       cy <- mkBmat (weightmat * p2)
##       ga <- 2 * sum (weightmat * p2)
##       be <- (2 * r - 1) * (2 ^ r) * sum (weightmat * delta)
##       de <- (4 * r - 1) * (4 ^ r) * sum (weightmat)
##       if (r >= 0.5) {
##         my <- by - aold * (cy - de * nn)
##       }
##       if (r < 0.5) {
##         my <- (by - be * nn) - aold * (cy - ga * nn)
##       }
##       xnew <- my %*% xold
##       xnew <- xnew / enorm (xnew)
##       dnew <- sqdist (xnew)
##       #Optimal scaling 
##       e <- as.dist(sqrt(dnew)) #I need the dist(x) here for interval
##       dhat2 <- smacof::transform(e, disobj, w = as.dist(weightmat), normq = 0.5)  ## dhat update
##       dhatt <- dhat2$res 
##       dhatd <- structure(dhatt, Size = n, call = quote(as.dist.default(m=b)), class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE)
##       delta <- as.matrix(dhatd)
##       rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
##       nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew, 2 * r))
##       anew <- rnew / nnew
##       snew <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
##       if(is.na(snew)) #if there are issues with the values
##           {
##               snew <- sold
##               dnew <- dold
##               anew <- aold
##               xnew <- xold
##           }   
##       if (verbose>2) {
##         cat (
##           formatC (itel, width = 4, format = "d"),
##           formatC (
##             sold,
##             digits = 10,
##             width = 13,
##             format = "f"
##           ),
##           formatC (
##             snew,
##             digits = 10,
##             width = 13,
##             format = "f"
##           ),
##           "\n"
##         )
##       }
##       if ((itel == itmax) || ((sold - snew) < acc))
##         break ()
##       itel <- itel + 1
##       xold <- xnew
##       dold <- dnew
##       sold <- snew
##       aold <- anew
##      }
##      xnew <- xnew/enorm(xnew)
##      ## relabeling as they were removed in the optimal scaling
##      rownames(delta) <- labos
##      attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[1]] <- rownames(delta)
##      attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[2]] <- paste("D",1:p,sep="")
##      doutm <- mkPower(sqdist(xnew),r)
##      deltam <- delta
##      delta <- stats::as.dist(delta)
##      #delta <- structure(delta, Size = n, call = quote(as.dist.default(m=b)),
##      #                  class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE)
##      deltaorig <- stats::as.dist(deltaorig)
##      deltaold <- stats::as.dist(deltaold)
##      #doute <- doutm/enorm(doutm) #this is an issue here!
##      #doute <- stats::as.dist(doute)
##      dout <- stats::as.dist(doutm)
##      weightmatm <-weightmat
##      weightmat <- stats::as.dist(weightmatm)
##      weightmato <- stats::as.dist(weightmato)
##      #resmat <- weightmatm*as.matrix((deltam - doutm)^2) #old spp now we sum up to 100
##      #spp <- colMeans(resmat)
##      spoint <- smacofx::spp(delta, dout, weightmat)
##      resmat<-spoint$resmat
##      rss <- sum(spoint$resmat[lower.tri(spoint$resmat)])
##      spp <- spoint$spp
##      #spp <- colMeans(resmat)
##      if (principal) {
##         xnew_svd <- svd(xnew)
##         xnew <- xnew %*% xnew_svd$v
##      }
##      #stressen <- sum(weightmat*(doute-delta)^2)
##      if(verbose>1) cat("*** Stress:",snew, "; Stress 1 (default reported):",sqrt(snew), "\n")  
##     out <- list(delta=deltaorig, dhat=delta, confdist=dout, iord=dhat2$iord.prim, conf = xnew, stress=sqrt(snew), spp=spp,  ndim=p, weightmat=weightmato, resmat=resmat, rss=rss, init=xstart, model="Power-Stress SMACOF", niter = itel,nobj = dim(xnew)[1], type = type, call=match.call(), stress.m=snew, alpha = anew, sigma = snew, tdelta=deltaold, parameters=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu), pars=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu), theta=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu),tweightmat=weightmat)
##     class(out) <- c("smacofP","smacofB","smacof")
##     out
## }

## #' @rdname powerStressMin
## #' @export
## powerstressMin <- powerStressMin

## #' @rdname powerStressMin
## #' @export
## postmds <- powerStressMin

## #' @rdname powerStressMin
## #' @export
## pstressMin <- powerStressMin

## #' @rdname powerStressMin
## #' @export
## pStressMin <- powerStressMin

## #' @rdname powerStressMin
## #' @export
## pstressmds <- powerStressMin

## ## #' Power Stress SMACOF
## ## #'
## ## #' An old implementation to minimize power stress by minimization-majorization. Usually more accurate but slower than powerStressFast. Uses a repeat loop.
## ## #' 
## ## #' @param delta dist object or a symmetric, numeric data.frame or matrix of distances
## ## #' @param kappa power of the transformation of the fitted distances; defaults to 1
## ## #' @param lambda the power of the transformation of the proximities; defaults to 1
## ## #' @param nu the power of the transformation for weightmat; defaults to 1 
## ## #' @param weightmat a matrix of finite weights
## ## #' @param init starting configuration
## ## #' @param ndim dimension of the configuration; defaults to 2
## ## #' @param acc numeric accuracy of the iteration. Default is 1e-6.
## ## #' @param itmax maximum number of iterations. Default is 10000.
## ## #' @param verbose should iteration output be printed; if > 1 then yes
## ## #'
## ## #' @return a smacofP object (inheriting form smacofB, see \code{\link{smacofSym}}). It is a list with the components
## ## #' \itemize{
## ## #' \item delta: Observed input dissimilarities, not normalized
## ## #' \item tdelta: Explicitly transformed input dissimilarities, not normalized
## ## #' \item dhats: Explicitly transformed dissimilarities, optimally scaled and normalized 
## ## #' \item confdist: Configuration dissimilarities
## ## #' \item conf: Matrix of fitted configuration
## ## #' \item stress: Default stress  (stress 1; sqrt of explicitly normalized stress)
## ## #' \item spp: Stress per point (based on stress.en) 
## ## #' \item ndim: Number of dimensions
## ## #' \item model: Name of smacof model
## ## #' \item niter: Number of iterations
## ## #' \item nobj: Number of objects
## ## #' \item type: Type of MDS model
## ## #' }
## ## #' and some additional components
## ## #' \itemize{
## ## #' \item stress.m: default stress for the COPS and STOP defaults to the explicitly normalized stress on the normalized, transformed dissimilarities
## ## #' \item weightmat: weighting matrix 
## ## #'}
## ## #'
## ## #' @section Note:
## ## #' The functionality related to power stress and the smacofP class is also available in the stops package (\code{\link[stops]{powerStressMin}}). Expect masking when both are loaded.   
## ## #'
## ## #' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
## ## #' 
## ## #' @seealso \code{\link{smacofSym}}
## ## #' 
## ## #' @examples
## ## #' dis<-smacof::kinshipdelta
## ## #' res<-powerStressMin(as.matrix(dis),kappa=2,lambda=1.5,itmax=1000)
## ## #' res
## ## #' summary(res)
## ## #' plot(res)
## ## #' 
## ## #' @export
## ## powerStressMinOLD <- function (delta, kappa=1, lambda=1, nu=1, weightmat=1-diag(nrow(delta)), init=NULL, ndim = 2, acc= 1e-6, itmax = 10000, verbose = FALSE) {
## ##     if(inherits(delta,"dist") || is.data.frame(delta)) delta <- as.matrix(delta)
## ##     if(!isSymmetric(delta)) stop("Delta is not symmetric.\n")
## ##     if(verbose>0) cat("Minimizing powerStress with kappa=",kappa,"lambda=",lambda,"nu=",nu,"\n")
## ##     type <- "ratio"
## ##     r <- kappa/2
## ##     p <- ndim
## ##     deltaorig <- delta  #untransformed non-normalized input dissimilarities
## ##     delta <- delta^lambda 
## ##     #weightmato <- weightmat
## ##     weightmat <- weightmat^nu
## ##     weightmat[!is.finite(weightmat)] <- 1
## ##     deltaold <- delta #explicitly transformed non-normalized input dissimilarities
## ##     delta <- delta / enorm (delta, weightmat)
## ##     itel <- 1
## ##     xold <- init
## ##     if(is.null(init)) xold <- smacof::torgerson (delta, p = p)
## ##     xold <- xold / enorm (xold)
## ##     n <- nrow (xold)
## ##     nn <- diag (n)
## ##     dold <- sqdist (xold)
## ##     rold <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dold, r))
## ##     nold <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dold, 2 * r))
## ##     aold <- rold / nold
## ##     sold <- 1 - 2 * aold * rold + (aold ^ 2) * nold
## ##     repeat {
## ##       p1 <- mkPower (dold, r - 1)
## ##       p2 <- mkPower (dold, (2 * r) - 1)
## ##       by <- mkBmat (weightmat * delta * p1)
## ##       cy <- mkBmat (weightmat * p2)
## ##       ga <- 2 * sum (weightmat * p2)
## ##       be <- (2 * r - 1) * (2 ^ r) * sum (weightmat * delta)
## ##       de <- (4 * r - 1) * (4 ^ r) * sum (weightmat)
## ##       if (r >= 0.5) {
## ##         my <- by - aold * (cy - de * nn)
## ##       }
## ##       if (r < 0.5) {
## ##         my <- (by - be * nn) - aold * (cy - ga * nn)
## ##       }
## ##       xnew <- my %*% xold
## ##       xnew <- xnew / enorm (xnew)
## ##       dnew <- sqdist (xnew)
## ##       rnew <- sum (weightmat * delta * mkPower (dnew, r))
## ##       nnew <- sum (weightmat * mkPower (dnew, 2 * r))
## ##       anew <- rnew / nnew
## ##       snew <- 1 - 2 * anew * rnew + (anew ^ 2) * nnew
## ##       if(is.na(snew)) #if there are issues with the values
## ##           {
## ##               snew <- sold
## ##               dnew <- dold
## ##               anew <- aold
## ##               xnew <- xold
## ##           }   
## ##       if (verbose>2) {
## ##         cat (
## ##           formatC (itel, width = 4, format = "d"),
## ##           formatC (
## ##             sold,
## ##             digits = 10,
## ##             width = 13,
## ##             format = "f"
## ##           ),
## ##           formatC (
## ##             snew,
## ##             digits = 10,
## ##             width = 13,
## ##             format = "f"
## ##           ),
## ##           "\n"
## ##         )
## ##       }
## ## #      if(is.na(snew)) #to avoid numerical issues if there are zeros somewhere 
## ## #         {
## ##             #  break ()
## ##             #  xnew <- xold
## ##             #  dnew <- dold
## ##             #  sold <- snew
## ##             #  aold <- anew
## ##          # }
## ##       if ((itel == itmax) || ((sold - snew) < acc))
## ##         break ()
## ##       itel <- itel + 1
## ##       xold <- xnew
## ##       dold <- dnew
## ##       sold <- snew
## ##       aold <- anew
## ##      }
## ##      attr(xnew,"dimnames")[[2]] <- paste("D",1:p,sep="")
## ##      xnew <- xnew/enorm(xnew)
## ##      doutm <- mkPower(sqdist(xnew),r)
## ##      deltam <- delta
## ##      delta <- stats::as.dist(delta)
## ##      deltaorig <- stats::as.dist(deltaorig)
## ##      deltaold <- stats::as.dist(deltaold)
## ##      #doute <- doutm/enorm(doutm) #this is an issue here!
## ##      #doute <- stats::as.dist(doute)
## ##      dout <- stats::as.dist(doutm)
## ##      weightmatm <-weightmat
## ##      #resmat <- weightmatm*as.matrix((delta - doute)^2) #BUG
## ##      resmat <- weightmatm*as.matrix((deltam - doutm)^2) #BUG
## ##      spp <- colMeans(resmat) #BUG
## ##      weightmat <- stats::as.dist(weightmatm)
## ##      #stressen <- sum(weightmat*(doute-delta)^2)
## ##      if(verbose>1) cat("*** Stress:",snew, "; Stress 1 (default reported):",sqrt(snew), "\n")  
## ##     out <- list(delta=deltaorig, tdelta=deltaold, dhats=delta, confdist=dout, conf = xnew, parameters=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu), pars=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu), theta=c(kappa=kappa,lambda=lambda,nu=nu), niter = itel, spp=spp, ndim=p, model="Power-Stress SMACOF", call=match.call(), nobj = dim(xnew)[1], type = type, stress=sqrt(snew), stress.m=snew, stress.en=stressen,resmat=resmat,weightmat=weightmat, alpha = anew, sigma = snew)
## ##     class(out) <- c("smacofP","smacofB","smacof")
## ##     out
## ## }

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