get.dsc: Read Conquest 'descriptives' output files.

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References

View source: R/eatModel.r


Reads Conquest files with descriptive statistics for the estimated latent variables generated by the ‘descriptives’ statement.





Character string with the name of the Conquest descriptives file.


A named list of n elements with n being the number of groups for which descriptive statistics were computed. The names of the list are the group names. Each list contains the following elements:


A data frame containing the group name, dimension names, the number of observations, mean, standard deviation and variance for each of the latent dimensions. If the file contains descriptive statistics for plausible values, the number of rows in the data frame corresponds to the number of plausible values.


A data frame containing the group name, dimension names and aggregated statistics for the mean, standard deviation and variance for each of the latent dimensions as well as (in a separate row) their standard errors.


Sebastian Weirich


See pp. 162 of Wu, M.L., Adams, R.J., Wilson, M.R., & Haldane, S.A. (2007). ACER ConQuest Version 2.0. Generalised Item Response Modeling Software. Camberwell, Victoria: ACER Press.

eatModel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.