transformToBista: Transformation of item and person parameters to the Bista...

Description Usage Arguments Value Note Author(s) Examples


Function uses output of equat1pl to provide two data.frames, one for the item parameters on the bista metric and one for the person parameter (PVs) on the bista metric.


transformToBista ( equatingList, refPop, cuts, weights = NULL, defaultM = 500, 
                   defaultSD = 100, roman = FALSE)



The object returned by equat1pl.


Data frame with at least three columns. First column indicates the domain name. Note that this name must match the domain names in the output of getResults. Second column contains the mean of the reference population. Third column contains the standard deviation of the reference population. Fourth column optionally contains the transformed mean on the Bista metric of the reference population. Fifth column optionally contains the transformed standard deviation on the Bista metric of the reference population. If the fourth and fifth columns are missing, values will be defaulted to 500/100.


A named list with cut scores. Names of the list must match the domain names in the output of getResults. Each element of the list is a list with one or two elements—the cut scores (in ascending order) and (optionally) the labels of the stages. See the examples of defineModel for further details.


Optional: a data.frame with two columns, first column is person identifier, second columns is individual caseweight. Necessary for the transformation of linking error for (ordered) factors and/or if descriptives of the reference population should be computed directly from the data. See the examples of defineModel for further details.


Mean of the reference population on the “bista” metric.


Standard deviation of the reference population in the “bista” metric.


Logical: Use roman numbers for competence level column in the shortened item parameter table dedicated for the “Vergleichsarbeiten”?


A list with three data frames: the first one contains original and transformed item parameters and competence levels. The second one contains original and transformed person parameters and competence levels. The third one contains transformation information.


This version is alpha. Please use with care!


Sebastian Weirich


# see example 5, 6, and 6a in the help file of defineModel()

eatModel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.