Man pages for fdnonpar
Methods for Multivariate or Functional Data

apply.fdsampleApply summary function to the y-values in an fdsample
as.fdsampleCoerce to an fdsample
CanadianTemperaturesCanadian Temperature Data
DeltaKBronzeDelta K_dir estimates for bronzefilter point pattern
ExampleDataExample data
extract.fdsampleExtract or replace subset of an fdsample
fdnonpar-packageThe fdnonpar package
fdsampleMake a functional data sample
fdsample-internalInternal functions for class 'fdsample'
funsampleClass for a sample of functions
funsample-internalPlotting defaults for funsample List of defaults for plotting...
funsample_list_methodsList like methods for class funsample
is.fdsampleCheck whether object is a function sample
plot.envtestPlot the result of an envelope test
plot.fdenvelopePlot an envelope object
plot.fdsamplePlot an fdsample object
plot.funsamplePlot a funsample object
plotlegend.funsampleAdd legend to plot of a funsample object
plot.urfunctionPlots an 'urfunction'.
print.fdsamplePrint brief details of an xy-list
pwEnvelopeCalculate pointwise envelope of a functional data sample
rangexy.fdsampleReport x- and y-range, generic function
rankCount.testRank count test of goodness of fit
rankEnv.testEnvelope test of goodness of fit
summaryfunctions.fdsampleGeneric summary functions
summaryplotPlot summary of an fdsample object
tL2.permtestIntegrated Welch-t Squared Permutation Test for Two Samples...
urfunctionurfunctions - univariate real valued functions
urfunction-internalLegend information for an urfunction
yrangerange of function values
fdnonpar documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.