
##' Fused-ANOVA package: general presentation
##' This package is designed to fit accurately the Fused-ANOVA model,
##' a penalized method to solve the one-way ANOVA problem by
##' collapsing the coefficients of \eqn{K}{K} conditions.  For a large
##' class of weights implemented here, our homotopy algorithm is in
##' \eqn{\mathcal{O}(K\log(K))}{O(klog(K))}.  These weights induce a
##' balanced tree structure and simplify the interpretation of the
##' results. The package contains an illustrating phenotypic data set:
##' given a trait, we reconstruct a balanced tree structure and assess
##' its agreement with the known phylogeny.
##' @section Problem solved:
##' The optimization problem solved by fused-ANOVA is
##' \if{latex}{\deqn{%
##' \hat{\beta}_{\lambda} = \arg \min_{\beta}
##' \left\{\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^{n_k} \left(Y_{ik}-\beta_k \right)^2
##' + \lambda \sum_{k,\ell} w_{kl} \left|\beta_k - \beta_\ell \right|\right\}}}
##' \if{html}{\out{ <center> &beta;<sup>hat</sup>
##' <sub>&lambda;<sub>1</sub></sub> =
##' argmin<sub>&beta;</sub> sum<sub>k</sub> sum_i (Y<sub>ik</sub> - &beta<sub>k</sub>)<sup>2</sup>
##' + &lambda; sum<sub>k,l</sub> w<sub>k,l</sub>
##' &#124; &beta;<sub>k</sub> - &beta;<sub>l</sub> &#124;, </center> }}
##' \if{text}{\deqn{beta.hat(lambda) = argmin_beta sum_k sum_i (Y_ik - beta_k)^2
##' + lambda sum_k sum_l w_kl | beta_k - beta_l|,}}
##' where \eqn{Y_{ik}}{Y_ik} is the intensity of a continuous random
##' variable for sample \eqn{i}{i} in condition \eqn{k}{k} and
##' \eqn{\beta_k}{beta_k} is the mean parameter of condition
##' \eqn{k}{k}. We denote by \eqn{K}{K} the total number of conditions
##' and \eqn{n_k}{n_k} the number of sample in each condition.
##' @section Choice of weights and performance of the algorithm:
##' For various weights in the fused-penalty (entailing "laplace",
##' "gaussian", "default", "adaptive" - see the corresponding
##' documentation), the homotopy algorithm produces a path that
##' contains no split, which is highly desirable since in this case
##' \enumerate{%
##' \item the order of the \eqn{\beta_k}{beta_k} always matches the order of the
##' empirical mean of each condition;
##' \item the recovered structure is a tree which simplifies the
##' interpretation;
##' \item the total number of iterations is guaranteed to be small and
##' equal to \eqn{K}{K};
##' \item we avoid maximum flow problems whose resolution is
##' computationally demanding.
##' }
##' The associated algorithm is in
##' \eqn{\mathcal{O}(K\log(K))}{O(klog(K))}. In this perspective, we
##' extend the work of Hocking et al. to a larger class of weights.
##' For other weights, split can occur along the path of solution. We
##' adapted the algorithm developed by Hoefling (reference below) to
##' the fused-ANOVA problem.
##' @section Efficient cross-validation procedure:
##' We provide a fast cross validation (CV) procedure to select
##' \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} for both the general and the no split
##' algorithms.  The idea behind this procedure is to take advantage
##' of the DAG structure of the path of solutions along
##' \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}.  Rather than computing the CV error for
##' each condition separately, we traverse each edge of the DAG once
##' and only once and compute simultaneously the error of all
##' conditions going through this edge.  If we consider a perfectly
##' balanced tree and a grid of \eqn{P}{P} values of
##' \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} we achieve \eqn{\mathcal{O}(P \log (P))}{O(P
##' log (P))} rather than a \eqn{\mathcal{O}(P^2)}{O(P^2)} complexity.
##' @section Technical remarks:
##' Most of the numerical work is done in C++, relying on the
##' \pkg{Rcpp} package. We also use the multi-core capability of the
##' computer through the \pkg{parallel} package when multiple
##' variables are to be classified. This feature is not available for
##' Windows user, though.
##' @name fusedanova-package
##' @docType package
##' @author Pierre Gutierrez, Julien Chiquet, Guillem Rigaill.
##' @references
##' Fused-ANOVA: shortly coming
##' H. Hoefling. A path algorithm for the fused lasso signal
##' approximator, technical report, arXiv, 2010.
##' T. Hocking, J.-P. Vert, F. Bach, and A. Joulin. Clusterpath: an
##' Algorithm for Clustering using Convex Fusion Penalties, ICML,
##' 2011.
##' @import parallel ggplot2 grid methods plyr
##' @useDynLib fusedanova

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fusedanova2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.