Man pages for g4n
graph for networks

and4gnadds a series of nodes to a gn object
arc2pamconstructs the object pam from the object arc
arc4gnadds or remove some arc(s) to or from a gn object
cycle8pamdetects if a cycle exists from a pam matrix
cycles4gnreduces the graph to the portion with cycles
ends8gnreturns the root and leaf nodes/variables of a gn
explore8pamfinds different characteristics of relations between nodes
g4n2.arc-classClass "arc" ~~~ for graphs associated to Bayesian networks
g4n2.pam-classClass "pam" to define parentship matrices
g4n2.pgr-classClass "pgr" to format the plot of /gn/ (mainly DAG associated...
g4n2.pos-classClass "pos" to define the projection into $R^2$ of objects...
g4n3kassigns the constants for the g4n layer
geneal4pamconstructs the genealoty of a given node
gn2itemreturns the item names of a /gn/ object
gn2listtransforms a /gn/ object into a list
gn2pathreturns all paths between two nodes
list2gntransforms a consistent list into a new /gn/ object
minbar8gnfinds the minimum number of arcs between nodes of a gn object
mindis8pamfinds the minimum distance between every pair of nodes
modify4gninteractive modifications of a gn
neighbours8gnreturns the direct parents (or children) of a gn nodes
new8arccreates an /arc/ with a specified number of nodes and arcs
pam2arcfrom the parentship object pam returns the arcs object
pam2gnfrom a pam object generates a gn object
pam2pathreturns all paths between two nodes
parcours8gnfind the ascendances until blocking
path4gnreduces the graph to the portion in between two node sets
plot3D8gnplots an object gn according to its 3 dimensions
plot8cgndraws nodes and arcs of a gn with already computed xy values
plot8gnplots an object gn
pos2posreturns the equivalent pos object with standard view
position4gnproposes positions for the nodes of a gn object
print8arcprints an /arc/
print8gnprints an object gn
print8pamprints a /pam/
print8pgrprints the node-variable names
print8posprints a /pos/
range8posreturns the ranges (x,y) for a pos
read8gnproduced a /gn/ from a text file
relation4gnformats the arc of a gn from a relation matrix
rgncreates a pseudo-random gn object
rmar4gnremoves a series of arcs from a gn object
rmnd4gnremoves a series of nodes from a gn object
valid8arcchecks a /arc/
valid8gnchecks a /gn/
valid8pamchecks a /pam/
valid8pgrchecks a /pgr/
valid8poschecks a /pos/
write8gnwrites a /gn/ to file
g4n documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:47 p.m.