show-methods: Show methods for classes in the gEcon package

Description Methods


This method prints general information about objects of the gecon_simulation, gecon_model, gecon_var_info, gecon_shock_info, and gecon_par_info classes.


signature(object = "gecon_simulation")

Prints the name of the model for which the simulations have been performed, information about time span, shocks, and variables used.

signature(object = "gecon_model")

Prints a short description of the model, its creation date, model's solution status, and the information about the numbers of model variables and parameters.

signature(object = "gecon_var_info")

Prints the incidence matrix and the results that have been already obtained in terms of model variables.

signature(object = "gecon_shock_info")

Prints the incidence matrix and the covariance matrix of shocks.

signature(object = "gecon_par_info")

Prints the incidence matrix and information about parameters' types and values.

gEcon documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:52 p.m.

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