Man pages for geoCount
Analysis and Modeling for Geostatistical Count Data

baseline.distGenerate Distance Samples to Build Baseline Distribution
baseline.parallelGenerate Distance Samples to Build Baseline Distribution...
BMCTPerform Bayesian Model Checking
cdfUApproximate the CDF Value from Reference Samples
cutChainModify Markov Chains with Burn-in and Thining
d.baseData Set of Baseline Samples
e2distCalculate Distances between Transformed Residuals and...
EarthquakesData Set of Earthquakes
findModeEstimate Mode of the Posterior Samples
loc2UCalculate the Distance Matrix among Given Locations
loc2U_RCalculate the Distance Matrix among Given Locations
locCircleSimulate Circlular Locations
locGridSimulate Locations on Grid
locSquadSimulate Squared Locations
locUlocCalculate the Distance Matrix Between Observed and Predicting...
locUloc_RCalculate the Distance Matrix Between Observed and Predicting...
MCMCinputSettings for the MCMC Algorithm
mixChainMix Parallel Markov Chains
plotACFAuto-correlation Plot for Latent Variables
plot_baselinePlot Baseline Samples
plotDataPlot Geostatistical Data
plotDataBDPlot Geostatistical Data
plot_etranPlot Transformed Residuals
plot_pRPSPlot Observed vs. Reference Diagnostic Statistics
pOneCalculate One-side P-value
predYPredict for Unsampled Locations
pRPSCalculate P-value and RPS
repYebGenerate Replicated Data with Estimated Parameters
repYpostGenerate Replicated Data with Posterior Samples of Latent...
rhoMaternMatern Correlation Function
rhoPowerExpPowered Exponential Correlation Function
RongelapData Set of Rongelap Island
runMCMCPerform Robust MCMC Algorithms for GLSM
runMCMC.multiChainPerform Robust MCMC Algorithms for GLSM in Parallel
runMCMC.sfPerform Robust MCMC Algorithms for GLSM in Parallel
simDataSimulate Data Set from Generalized Linear Spatial Model on...
TexasCounty.boundaryData Set of Texas County Boundries
TexasCounty.centerData Set of Texas County Centers
TexasCounty.populationData Set of Texas County Population
tranRCalculate Transformed Residuals for Observed Data
U2ZConvert Distance Matrix to Correlation Matrix
unifLocScale Locations into A Unit Square
WeedWeed Data
geoCount documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.